A cultural history of animals in the Medieval Age / / edited by Brigitte Resl.

Explores the sacred and the symbolic (totem, sacrifice, status and popular beliefs); hunting; domestication (taming, breeding, labour and companionship); entertainment and exhibitions (the menagerie, zoos, circuses and carnivals); science and specimens (research, education, collections and museums); philosophical beliefs; and artistic representations.

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Elektronisch E-Book
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Beteiligte Person(en) Pohl-Resl, Brigitte, Kalof, Linda (herausgegeben von)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr London, England : Zed Books , 2007
Umfang1 online resource (278 pages)
Also published in print.
ZusatzinfoIntroduction: Animals in Culture, ca. 1000-ca. 1400 / Brigitte Resl -- 1 Good Creation and Demonic Illusions: The Medieval Universe of Creatures / Sophie Page -- 2 Medieval Hunting / An Smets and Baudouin van den Abeele -- 3 From Forest to Farm and Town: Domestic Animals from ca. 1000 to ca. 1450 / Esther Pascua -- 4 Animals in Medieval Sports, Entertainment, and Menageries / Lisa J. Kiser -- 5 Like a Book Written by God's Finger: Animals Showing the Path toward God / Pieter Beullens -- 6 Animals and Anthropology in Medieval Philosophy / Pieter De Leemans and Matthew Klemm -- 7 Beyond the Ark: Animals in Medieval Art / Brigitte Resl.
Serie/ReiheCultural history of animals ; ; v. 2.
Andere AusgabenPrint version:: A Cultural History of Animals in the Medieval Age. London : Bloomsbury Publishing Plc,c2011
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