Discrete algorithms and complexity : proceedings of the Japan-US Joint Seminar, June 4-6, 1986, Kyoto, Japan / edited by David S. Johnson [and three others].

Discrete Algorithms and Complexity

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Körperschaften Nihon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai, National Science Foundation (U.S.), Japan-US Joint Seminar on Discrete Algorithms and Complexity Theory
Beteiligte Person(en) Johnson, David S. (herausgegeben von)
InstitutionNihon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai.
National Science Foundation (U.S.)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Orlando, Florida ; London, England : Academic Press, Inc. , 1987
Umfang1 online resource (497 p.)
ZusatzinfoDescription based upon print version of record.
ZusatzinfoFront Cover; Discrete Algorithms and Complexity; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Contributors; Foreword; Chapter 1. An Upper Bound on the Expected Cost of an Optimal Assignment; Introduction; A Regularity Condition; The Transportation Problem and its Dual; Acknowledgement; References; Chapter 2. The Principal Partition of Vertex-Weighted Graphs and Its Applications; 1. Introduction; 2. The Principal Partition of Vertex-Weighted Graphs and Solution Algorithms For Problem 2; 3. Flow Assignment In The Graph Defined For Problem 4: Part 1
4. Flow Assignment In The Graph Defined For Problem 4: Part25. Applications; 6. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 3. Generalized Colorings; 0. Introduction; 1. Parameters; 2. Algorithmic Issues; 3. Obstructions; 4. The Homomorphism Order; REFERENCES; Chapter 4. Voronoi Diagram for Points in a Simple Polygon; 1. Introduction; 2. Sketch of the algorithm; 3. Constructing the weighted Voronoi diagram; References; Chapter 5. Computing the Geodesic Center of aSimple Polygon; 1. Introduction; 2. Uniqueness of Geodesic Center; 3. Geodesic Diameter of a Simple Polygon
4. Farthest-Point Voronoi DiagraReferences; Chapter 6. On deleting vertices to make a graph of positive genus planar; 1. Introduction; 2. Background in topologioal graph theory and order arithmetic; 3. The main result; 4. Conclusion; References; Chapter 7. Algorithms for Routing around a Rectangle; 1. Introduction; 2. Edge-disjoint paths; 3. Routing; 4. Minimum area routing; References; Chapter 8. A Remark on the Complexity of the Knapsack Problem; 1. Introduction; 2. The Basic Algorithm and a Restricted Modification; 3. The Three List Problem and its Relation to the Knapsack Problem
ReferencesChapter 9. Fast, Rigorous Factorisation and Diecrete Logarltha Algoritluas; 1. Introduction; 2. A riaoroua version of the elliptic curve factorinamethod; 3. Factoring with random squares; 4. Discrete logarithes In GF(p); 5. DISCRETE LOGARITHMS OVERGF(2n); REFERENCES; Chapter 10. Redundant Coding for Local Computability; 1. Introduction; 2. Coding and Local Computability; 3. Addition on Residue Class; 4. High-speed Parallel Computation of Operations on Finite Abelian Group; 5. Applications; 6. Conclusion; Acknowledgement; References
Chapter 11. SOME PROPERTIES OF THE PARALLEL BUBBLING ΑΝD PARALLEL SORTS ON A MESH-OONNEOTEOD ROOESSOR ARRAY1. Introduction; 2. Properties of the parallel bubbling; 3. Sorting on a mesh-connected processor array; 4· Lower Bounds on Computing Times; 5. Concluding remarks; References; Chapter 12. Game Solving Procedure HIs Unsurpassed; 1. Introduction; 2. Game Trees and Search Procedures; 3. Outline of the Proof; 4. Proof for Case A; 5. Proof for Case Β; 6. Some Properties ofH; 7. Proof for Case C; References; Chapter 13. Algorithmic Problems in Modeling and Electronic Prototyping; Introduction
Electronic Prototyping
Serie/ReihePerspectives in computing (Boston, Mass.) ; ; Volume 15.
Online-ZugangElsevier SD eBook - Mathematics (Legacy 1) [EBCML1]

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