El Greco and Durer.

In the fascinating Great artist series, we investigate some of the best artists in history - examining their influence, style and what exactly made them so unique. In this double package we examine the lives and work of two of the most influential artists of this period - El Greco, the most dramatic painter of his time, arguably paving the way for the Baroque art movement, and Dürer, accomplished oil artist and the first self-portraitist in art.

Gespeichert in:
Elektronisch Video
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Körperschaft Kanopy (Firm)
InstitutionKanopy (Firm)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr San Francisco, California, USA : Kanopy Streaming , 2014
Umfang1 online resource (1 video file, approximately 48 min.) : : digital, .flv file, sound
ZusatzinfoTitle from title frames.
ZusatzinfoOriginally produced by Seventh Art in 2001.
Online-ZugangA Kanopy streaming video

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