Smart management workbook / / Marc Clark.

Becoming good at any level of management does not come by chance but through hard work, desire and a willingness to learn. You have the ability to reach new levels of success if you truly desire to do so. The Smart Management Workbook is specifically designed to aid and support anyone that has a desire to enhance their professional skills and performance in the workplace. The workbook is user friendly and the content within is easily understood. The strategies listed can be applied in all industries: service, retail, medical, travel, hospitality, wholesale, etc. This 249 page management resource tool contains tips, checklist, worksheets and personal assessment and development activities. Five major managerial competencies are covered throughout the workbook: SMART Recruiting, SMART Retention, SMART Team Building, SMART Conflict Mgt. & SMART Sales & Marketing. Each segment contains as set of test questions and answers for evaluating content retention. This is a very comprehensive workbook for supervisors and managers, either newly promoted or seasoned. SMART Management is not a destination that you will be attempting to reach. It is an ongoing process throughout one's entire career. There are benefits that can be acquired by those who study and apply what they have learned from SMART Management; however results will differ from person to person. These benefits include: Strengthening one's level of confidence through the use of good decision-making techniques. Gaining personal respect from supervisors, peers, and subordinates. Enhancing critically needed people skills. Increasing the possibility for financial reward. Building personal skills for leadership effectiveness in areas such as goal-setting, assertiveness, communications and team-building. Improving personal reputation as a respected and reliable person. Future career advancement

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ParalleltitelSmart management :
Person Clark, Marc
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Franklin, KY : M. Douglas Clark & Associates , 2006
Umfang248 p.
Available also in a print ed.
ZusatzinfoTitle from title screen.
"Recruiting, staff retention, team building, conflict management, sales and marketing."
ZusatzinfoIntro -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- Recruiting Strategies in Hiring and Retaining Employees -- Recruiting Techniques -- Winning the War for Talent: Recruiting Strategies -- Recruitment Ads that Sizzle -- Recruitment Sources -- Top Interviewer Strategies -- Screening: The Power of 10 -- Resumé Mistakes: Have You Caught These in the Past? -- Asking Questions: The Right and Wrong Way -- Performance-Based Applicant Interview -- SMART Recruiting Management Quiz -- SMART Staff Retention Management -- Turnover Costs: Important to Know -- Employee-Relations Strategies -- Ways to Recognize, Reward and Praise Employees -- Associate Retention through Award Program Strategies -- SMART Staff Retention Management Quiz -- SMART Team Management -- Guide to Teambuilding -- Role of a Team Leader: Responsibilities &amp -- Expectations -- Team Effectiveness: Hitting the Target -- Motivation and Human Behavior -- Trust: A Foundation Every Team Should Build Upon -- Actions to Take When Facilitating a Team Discussion -- Self-Directed Work Team Survey Scoring Sheet -- SMART Conflict Management -- Conflict: Who Needs It? -- Keeping Things in Order -- Four Steps for Resolving Three-Party Problems -- Preventing Workplace Violence -- SMART Sales &amp -- Marketing Management -- Mastering the Unspoken Language -- About The Author.
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