David Syme : man of the Age / Elizabeth Morrison.

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person Morrison, Elizabeth (verfasst von)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Victoria, Australia : Monash University Publishing : State Library of Victoria , 2014
Umfang1 online resource (450 p.)
ZusatzinfoIncludes index.
ZusatzinfoAbout the author; Front matter; Title page; Copyright and imprint information; Opening quotes; CONTENTS; Contents; List of illustrations; List of abbreviations; List of abbreviations; Preface and acknowledgments; PART I - PRELUDE; Ch 1. The legacy of David Syme; Ch 2. David and his brothers; Ch 3. David and Ebenezer; Ch 4. Joining Ebenezer at the Age; PART II - SUPPORTING A SISTER-IN-LAW; Ch 5. 'I felt it to be my duty'; Ch 6. 'Beginning to make progress'; Ch 7. 'Business is good but money scarce'; Ch 8. 'The Age has just scored a tremendous Victory'; PART III - NEGOTIATING WITH A NEPHEW
Ch 9. 'I am the man who has made the firm a success'Ch 10. 'Expedition is everything in newspaper work'; Ch 11. 'Everything going on well'; Ch 12. 'Neither pleasure nor profit in continuing our partnership'; PART IV - A FREE HAND; Ch 13. 'I am not prepared to make any compromise whatever'; Ch 14. 'I am sending forth on their travels my two youngest sons'; Ch 15. 'I will see the thing through'; Afterwords; Appendix A: Newspapers and periodicals published by the Age business under David Syme; Appendix B: David Syme's personal publications; Sources; Index
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