Piero di Cosimo : painter of faith and fable / edited by Dennis Geronimus, Michael W. Kwakkelstein.

The study of Piero di Cosimo belongs no less to the history of the imagination than to the history of art. As was true for Giorgio Vasari five centuries ago, Piero’s intensely personal visual language remains a moving target for modern scholars. Yet, as surprising and strange as his pictorial solutions appear, we have never known as much about Piero as we do today. Freed from the powerful spell of Vasari’s biography-cum-cautionary tale, the Piero that emerges is not solely a conjurer of the uncanny, but a sensitive observer of the emotions, the natural and manmade worlds, humans and beasts, surfaces and coloristic effects, phenomena material and ephemeral. The conference from which the thirteen essays in this volume spring provided a forum for international scholars to continue the ongoing conversation and to ask new questions. The latter address Piero’s relationship to his artistic contemporaries, north and south of the Alps; the master’s Marian imagery; his intellectual engagement with classical traditions; the dual themes of naturalism and exoticism; and the latest technical findings. Topics of investigation thus range as broadly as Piero’s own versatile production, uniting diverse fields and methods, traversing regional boundaries, and often venturing far beyond Florence’s city walls, into the wild. Contributors are Ianthi Assimakopoulou, Marina Belozerskaya, Jean Cadogan, Elena Capretti, Alessandra Galizzi Kroegel, Dennis Geronimus, Guy Hedreen, Sarah Blake McHam, Anna Teresa Monti, Paula Nuttall, Roberta J.M. Olson, Lesley Stevenson, Lisa Venerosi Pesciolini, and Elizabeth Walmsley.

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Elektronisch Tagungsbericht E-Book
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Körperschaft Piero di Cosimo : painter of faith and fable (Conference) Istituto universitario olandese di storia dell'arte)
Beteiligte Person(en) Geronimus, Dennis, 1972- (herausgegeben von), Kwakkelstein, Michael W., 1963- (herausgegeben von)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2018
Umfang1 online resource (345 pages).
Zusatzinfo"The thirteen essays comprising the present volume spring from the proceedings of a two-day conference hosted by The Dutch University Institute for Art History, scheduled to coincide with the final days of the Uffizi Piero exhibition in late September 2015."
ZusatzinfoFront Matter -- , Epigraph -- , Foreword: Director’s Remarks -- , Figures -- , Notes on Contributors -- , Telling Tales: The Kaleidoscopic Art of Piero di Cosimo (1462-1522) 1 /, Dennis Geronimus -- , 1 From Ancilla Domini to Madonna del Parto: Observations on Piero di Cosimo’s Marian Imagery 14 /, Alessandra Galizzi Kroegel -- , 2 L’altare Del Pugliese nella chiesa dello Spedale degli Innocenti: un esempio di dialogo fra pittura e scultura 38 /, Elena Capretti -- , 3 Real or Imagined? Exotic Animals in Piero di Cosimo’s Mythologies 60 /, Marina Belozerskaya -- , 4 The ‘Fantasia’ of the Cricket in Piero di Cosimo’s Vulcan and Aeolus  82 /, Sarah Blake McHam -- , 5 Rara Avis: Piero di Cosimo and the Birds He Painted 102 /, Roberta J.M. Olson -- , 6 Piero di Cosimo’s Nymph and the Hallmark of Artemis 130 /, Ianthi Assimakopoulou -- , 7 Beautiful Monsters: The Language of Empathy and Grief in Piero di Cosimo’s Representation of Animals and Human-Animal Hybrids 152 /, Dennis Geronimus -- , 8 The Question of Centaurs: Lucretius, Ovid, and Empedokles in Piero di Cosimo 188 /, Guy Hedreen -- , 9 Piero di Cosimo and Netherlandish Painting 210 /, Paula Nuttall -- , 10 Piero and Ghirlandaio: Drawing the Figure 236 /, Jean K. Cadogan -- , 11 Deconstructing the Underdrawing in Piero di Cosimo’s Construction of a Palace  260 /, Elizabeth Walmsley -- , 12 La ricomposizione di un Piero di Cosimo perduto: il restauro della Pala con Lo Sposalizio mistico di S. Caterina e della Lunetta con i due Angeli che sorreggono la corona 288 /, Anna Teresa Monti and Lisa Venerosi Pesciolini -- , 13 Piero di Cosimo: Two Angels Return to Florence from Edinburgh 308 /, Lesley Stevenson -- , Index 313.
ZusatzinfoEnglish and Italian.
Serie/ReiheNIKI Studies in Netherlandish-Italian Art History ; 12.
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  • Front Matter
  • Epigraph
  • Foreword: Director’s Remarks
  • Figures
  • Notes on Contributors
  • Telling Tales: The Kaleidoscopic Art of Piero di Cosimo (1462-1522) 1 / Dennis Geronimus
  • 1 From Ancilla Domini to Madonna del Parto: Observations on Piero di Cosimo’s Marian Imagery 14 / Alessandra Galizzi Kroegel
  • 2 L’altare Del Pugliese nella chiesa dello Spedale degli Innocenti: un esempio di dialogo fra pittura e scultura 38 / Elena Capretti
  • 3 Real or Imagined? Exotic Animals in Piero di Cosimo’s Mythologies 60 / Marina Belozerskaya
  • 4 The ‘Fantasia’ of the Cricket in Piero di Cosimo’s Vulcan and Aeolus  82 / Sarah Blake McHam
  • 5 Rara Avis: Piero di Cosimo and the Birds He Painted 102 / Roberta J.M. Olson
  • 6 Piero di Cosimo’s Nymph and the Hallmark of Artemis 130 / Ianthi Assimakopoulou
  • 7 Beautiful Monsters: The Language of Empathy and Grief in Piero di Cosimo’s Representation of Animals and Human-Animal Hybrids 152 / Dennis Geronimus
  • 8 The Question of Centaurs: Lucretius, Ovid, and Empedokles in Piero di Cosimo 188 / Guy Hedreen
  • 9 Piero di Cosimo and Netherlandish Painting 210 / Paula Nuttall
  • 10 Piero and Ghirlandaio: Drawing the Figure 236 / Jean K. Cadogan
  • 11 Deconstructing the Underdrawing in Piero di Cosimo’s Construction of a Palace  260 / Elizabeth Walmsley
  • 12 La ricomposizione di un Piero di Cosimo perduto: il restauro della Pala con Lo Sposalizio mistico di S. Caterina e della Lunetta con i due Angeli che sorreggono la corona 288 / Anna Teresa Monti and Lisa Venerosi Pesciolini
  • 13 Piero di Cosimo: Two Angels Return to Florence from Edinburgh 308 / Lesley Stevenson
  • Index 313.