Spanish letters, historical, satyrical and moral of the famous Don Antonio de Guevara, Bishop of Mondonedo / written by way of essay on different subjects, and every where intermixt with both raillerie and gallantry ; recommended by Sir R.L.'s ; and made English from the best original by Mr. Savage

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person Guevara, Antonio <<de>> (verfasst von)
Beteiligte Person(en) Savage, John
Ort, Verlag, Jahr London : Printed for F. Saunders ... and A. Roper , 1697
ZusatzinfoDedication by John Savage. - Errata on p. [8]. - Reproduction of original in the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus). Library. - Wing, G2182
Online-ZugangDeutschlandweit zugänglich
GBV - Early English books online (ZDB-1-EEB)
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