Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Stampacchia, Giulia

Ihre Suche nach Stampacchia, Giulia lieferte 2 Buchtitel.
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  • 1
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Mathematical Models for Handling Partial Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence

    Springer, 2013, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1995, 308 Seiten, ISBN 9781489914262
    Knowledge acquisition is one of the most important aspects influencing the quality of methods used in artificial intelligence and the reliability of expert systems. The various issues dealt with in this volume concern many different approaches to the handling of partial knowledge and to the ensuing methods for reasoning and decision making under uncertainty, as applied to problems in artificial intelligence. The volume is composed of the invited and contributed papers presented at the Workshop on Mathematical Models for Handling Partial Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, held at the Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture of Erice (Sicily, Italy) on June 19-25, 1994, in the framework of the International School of Mathematics "G.Stampacchia". It includes also a transcription of the roundtable held during the workshop to promote discussions on fundamental issues, since in the choice of invited speakers we have tried to maintain a balance between the various schools of knowl edge and uncertainty modeling. Choquet expected utility models are discussed in the paper by Alain Chateauneuf: they allow the separation of perception of uncertainty or risk from the valuation of outcomes, and can be of help in decision mak ing. Petr Hajek shows that reasoning in fuzzy logic may be put on a strict logical (formal) basis, so contributing to our understanding of what fuzzy logic is and what one is doing when applying fuzzy reasoning.
  • 2
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Nonlinear Optimization and Applications

    Springer, 2013, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1996, 367 Seiten, ISBN 9781489902917
    This volume contains the edited texts of the lectures presented at the workshop on Nonlinear Optimization: Theory and Applications, held in Erice at the "G. Stampacchia" School of Mathematics of the "E. Majorana" International Centre for Scientific Culture June 13-21, 1995. The meeting was conceived to review and discuss recent advances and promising research trends concerning theory, algorithms, and innovative applications in the field This is a field of mathematics which is providing viable of Nonlinear Optimization. tools in engineering, in economics and in other applied sciences, and which is giving a great contribution also in the solution of the more practiced linear optimization prob lems. The meeting was attended by approximately 70 people from 18 countries. Besides the lectures, several formal and informal discussions took place. The result was a broad exposure providing a wide and deep understanding of the present research achievements in the field. We wish to express our appreciation for the active contributions of all the partici pants in the meeting. Our gratitude is due to the Ettore Majorana Center in Erice, which offered its facilities and stimulating environment: its staff was certainly instrumental for the success of the meeting. Our gratitude is also due to Francisco Facchinei and Massino Roma for the time spent in the organization of the workshop, and to Giuliana Cai for the careful typesetting of this volume.
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