Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Rose, Colin

Ihre Suche nach Rose, Colin lieferte 23 Buchtitel.
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    Belle da Costa Greene: A Librarian's Legacy
    Da Costa Greene, Belle
    DelMonico Books/D.A.P., 2024, 304 Seiten, ISBN 9781636811352
    The incredible story of the first director of the Morgan Library: a visionary Black woman who walked confidently in an early 20th-century man's world of wealth and privilegeWhen J.P. Morgan's personal library opened as a public institution in 1924, the choice for its first director was an obvious one: Belle da Costa Greene (1879-1950). Not only had she organized and cataloged the collection, she had significantly expanded its holdings and displayed its treasures in curated exhibitions. While she was famous and well known for her librarianship in her lifetime, few people also knew that she had been born to a prominent Black family, and by her early 20s was passing as white in New York City.After Greene was hired by J.P. Morgan in 1905, she emerged as one of the highest-paid women in America and commanded respect in a field dominated by men. She spent millions of dollars on Morgan's behalf to acquire outstanding medieval manuscripts, rare printed books and works of art. Following Morgan's death she continued to work with his son, who established the library as a public institution. All told, she headed the Morgan for 43 years and was single-handedly responsible for turning it into one of the most important collections of rare books and manuscripts in the United States.Published to coincide with the centennial of the museum and of Greene's appointment as director, Belle da Costa Greene: A Librarian's Legacy presents a thematic collection of essays with new research on her family, education, portraits, professional networks and her own art collection, while also engaging with larger themes such as race in America, gender and culture, and the history of Black librarianship. The book offers a full picture of Greene on her own terms and in her own words-revealing her rich career as a curator, collector, library executive and dynamic New Yorker.
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    Culture and Social Change
    Leys, Colin; Mendell, Marguerite
    Black Rose Books, 2024, 230 Seiten, ISBN 9781895431285
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    From Political Economy to Anthropology
    Duncan, Colin A.M.; Tandy, David W.
    Black Rose Books, 2024, 200 Seiten, ISBN 9781895431889
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    sans phrase
    Hartmann, Simone Dinah; Kaggl, Colin; Bitterolf, Markus; Goldschmidt, Georges-Arthur; Gruber, Hans-Peter; Pohrt, Wolfgang; Glaser, Georg K.; Göllner, Renate; Sperber, Manès; Khan, Karim; Heidemann, Michael; Markl, Florian; Bruhn, Joachim; Metzger, Heinz-Klaus; Mettin, Martin; Bijlsma, Aljoscha; Feuerherdt, Alex; Fleischer, Werner; Gruber, Alex; Scheit, Gerhard; von Osten-Sacken, Thomas; Radonic, Ljiljana; Becker, Randi
    ça-ira-Verlag, 2023, 1. Auflage, 288 Seiten, ISBN 9783862599219
    Simone Dinah Hartmann im Interview über die nicht abreißen wollenden Proteste Iran - Was bedeutet das Abraham-Abkommen nach zwei Jahren für Israel? - Eine Übersicht in zwei Artikeln: Über die antisemitische documenta fifteen - Aus den Abgründen der NGOisierung der Flüchtlingspolitik sowie eine daran anschließende Diskussion darüber, wer das Asylrecht garantiert - Frauen als Täterinnen unter den NS-Hilfsvölkern am Beispiel Kroatiens - Sexualtabus heute: Sexzwangsarbeit in KZ-Bordellen - Die angepasste Psychoanalyse im NS - Einblick in sechs Briefe Wolfgang Pohrts - Interview über den Mäzen und Salonsozialisten Felix Weil anlässlich des Erscheinens einer Biographie - Georg K. Glaser berichtet aus der Pariser Rosengasse und Renate Göllner berichtet wiederum über Georg K. Glaser - Der Renegat Manès Sperber über Hannah Arendts Eichmann-Buch mit daran anschließender Diskussion über Sperbers Arendt-Kritik - Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt: die Verwicklung der deutschen Sprache in den NS - Dem antisemitischen Charakter der Passionsspiele geht Hein-Klaus Metzger auf den Grund - Mahlers Fünfte Symphonie und die Frage romantischer Ironie - Zur Frage nach einer transzendentalen Akustik bei Ulrich Sonnemann - Eine verschenkte Gelegenheit, das Gemeinsame von »Queer-Aktivisten« und »Trans-Skeptikern« zu erkennen - Joachim Bruhn nicht über Ockhams, sondern Adornos Messer, das den Wahrheitsgehalt des Materialismus bestimmt - Über einige Schwierigkeiten samt vieler Klärungen beim Lesen der Marxschen Erstausgabe des Kapitals - Zweiter Teil der Auseinandersetzung mit Georg Lukács' Geschichte und Klassenbewußtsein - u. a.
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    The Heilan' Coos
    Girasoli, Rosemary; Girasoli, Colin
    Nonna Sunflower, 2023, 24 Seiten, ISBN 9781739367602
    Morag and Jimmy, the Heilan' Coos, are up to their old tricks again! Follow them along in their adventures as Morag somehow finds herself in even more bother, Morag and Jimmy find a barn full of dancing Heilan' Coos, and Jimmy tries to ignore the growing list of missing plates. This lighthearted adventure, full of colourful illustrations, calamity and laughter, is the perfect story to share with all the family. Just watch out, word on the hills is there may be some wolves lurking about...
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    Each to Another

    No Bindings, 2022, 64 Seiten, ISBN 9781999737238
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    AEGIS Tales 2
    Fisk, Colin; Howard, Paul J; Lamont, Rose
    Despot Media, 2022, 338 Seiten, ISBN 9798986118130
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    A Renaissance of Violence
    Rose, Colin
    Cambridge University Press, 2021, 259 Seiten, ISBN 9781108726924
    Based on a close examination of more than 700 homicide trials, A Renaissance of Violence exposes the deep social instability at the core of the early modern states of North Italy. Following a series of crises in the early seventeenth century, interpersonal violence in the region grew to frightening levels, despite the efforts of courts and governments to reduce social conflict. In this detailed study of violence in early modern Europe, Colin Rose shows how major crises, such as the plague of 1630, reduced the strength of social bonds among both elite and ordinary Italians. As a result, incidents of homicidal violence exploded - in small rural communities, in the crowded urban center and within tightly-knit families. Combining statistical analysis and close reading of homicide patterns, Rose demonstrates how the social contexts of violence, as much as the growth of state power, can contribute to explaining how and why interpersonal violence grew so rapidly in North Italy in the seventeenth century.
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    Political Advice

    Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2021, 240 Seiten, ISBN 9781838600044
    The continuing churn of political advisers in Donald Trump's White House serve as a reminder of the salience and relevance of political advice. Political Advice: Past, Present and Future brings several very different voices to bear on the problem of advice and influence; the distinction in so far as it is valid between political and policy advice; the two-way parasitism of adviser and advised; the nature and idioms of political advice literature; the changing (and sometimes unchanging) nature of expertise; the ever-pressing issue of access and exclusion; and how that is controlled.This volume of essays feeds into a contemporary concern, set in a wider historical context. Moreover, the volume treats political advice in an interdisciplinary fashion with contributions from classics and literature as well as from history and politics. The unique practitioners' perspective to the problem of political advice is brought by the contributions of politicians, political advisers and senior civil servants.
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    Political Advice

    I.B. Tauris, 2021, 240 Seiten, ISBN 9781838601201
    Political advice has never seemed more prominent - or more problematic. This volume of essays speaks to a contemporary concern, set in a wider historical context. Political Advice: Past, Present and Future brings several very different voices to bear on the problem of advice and influence, the distinction in so far as it is valid between political and policy advice, the two-way parasitism of adviser and advised, the nature and idioms of political advice literature, the ever-pressing issue of access and exclusion, and the curious history of advisers' success and failure. With contributions from classics and literature as well as from history and politics, this volume treats political advice in an interdisciplinary fashion. Moreover, a unique practitioners' perspective on the problem of political advice is provided by the contributions of politicians, political advisers and former senior civil servants.
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    Subaltern Medievalisms

    D.S. Brewer, 2021, 232 Seiten, ISBN 9781843845782
    A fresh new approach to Victorian medievalism, showing it to be far from the preserve of the elite.This book offers a challenge to the current study of nineteenth-century British medievalism, re-examining its general perception as an elite and conservative tendency, the imposition of order from above evidenced in the work of Walter Scott, in the Eglinton Tournament, and in endless Victorian depictions of armour-clad knights. Whilst some previous scholars have warned that medievalism should not be reduced to the role of an ideologically conservative discourse which always and everywhere had the role of either obscuring, ignoring, or forgetting the ugly truths of an industrialised modernity by appealing to a green and ordered Merrie England, there has been remarkably little exploration of liberal or radical medievalisms, still less of working-class medievalisms. Essays in this book question a number of orthodoxies. Can it be imagined that in the world of Ivanhoe, the Eglinton Tournament, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Alfred Tennyson, the working class remained largely oblivious to, or at best uninterested in, medievalism? What, if any, was the working-class medievalist counter-blast to conservatism? How did feminism and socialismdeploy the medieval past? The contributions here range beyond the usual canonical cultural sources to investigate the ephemera: the occasional poetry, the forgotten novels, the newspapers, short-lived cultural journals, fugitive Chartist publications. A picture is created of a richly varied and subtle understanding of the medieval past on the part of socialists, radicals, feminists and working-class thinkers of all kinds, a set of dreams of the Middle Agesto counter what many saw as the disorder of the times.
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    Monica Bonvicini

    Snoeck, 2021, 224 Seiten, ISBN 9783864423369
    Macht Geschlecht RaumMit Installationen, Skulpturen und Zeichnungen hat Monica Bonvicini ein vielschichtiges, international beachtetes Ouvre geschaffen, für das sie u. a. 1999 mit dem Goldenen Löwen der Biennale von Venedig oder, wie erst soeben 2020, mit dem Oskar-Kokoschka-Preis in Wien ausgezeichnet wurde. Dieser Band bildet nun zwei aktuelle Zeichnungsserien ab: Die eine führt die seit 2006 anlässlich der Verwüstungen des Wirbelsturms Katrina begonnene Serie »Hurricanes and Other Catastrophes« fort und erweitert den Blick, der ­zunächst auf die plötzlichen Zerstörungen durch den Wirbelsturm in New Orleans fokussiert war, auf Ansichten von Häusern, die Schäden aufgrund langfristiger Klimaveränderungen aufweisen. Die zweite Serie - während des Lockdowns entstanden - führt in dunkelgraue und rosafarbene Landschaften, die von Zäunen, Ketten und Textzeilen bestimmt sind. Letztere kontrastieren mit den ­weichen Hintergründen und wirken verblüffend real und präsent. Monica Bonvicini hat Worte aufgesprüht, die ursprünglich von Roland Barthes, Judith Butler, Natalie Diaz, Soraya Chemaly oder Andrea Dworkin stammen - allerdings verdreht, verkürzt oder sonst wie verändert, was dann eine ganz neue, poetische Dimension entstehen lässt: »Weep Me Crude«, »Power Joy Humor & Widerstand«, »I Never Tire« etc. Ausstellung:Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Lover's Material, 10/10/2020 - 21/2/2021  Power Gender SpaceMonica Bonvicini has created a multi-layered, internationally acclaimed oeuvre of installations, sculptures, and drawings, for which she was ­awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 1999 or, as just recently in 2020, the Oskar-­Kokoschka-Prize in Vienna. This volume now ­presents two current series of drawings: one ­continues the series »Hurricanes and Other ­Catastrophes«, begun in 2006 on the occasion of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, and expands the scope, initially focused on the sudden devastation following the hurricane in New Orleans, to include views of homes that ­exhibit damage due to ongoing changes in ­climate. The second series - developed during the lockdown - leads into gray and rose-­coloured landscapes defined by fences, chains and linesof text. The latter are contrasted with smooth backgrounds and appear amazingly real and present. The words that Monica Bonvicini sprayed on are originally by Roland Barthes, Judith Butler, Natalie Diaz, Soraya Chemaly as well as by Andrea Dworkin - yet twisted, shortened or otherwise changed, resulting in a completely new, poetic dimension: »Weep Me Crude«, »Power Joy Humor & Widerstand«, »I Never Tire« and others. Exhibition:Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Lover's Material, 10/10/2020 - 21/2/2021  Power Gender SpaceAvec ses installations, sculptures et dessins, Monica Bonvicini a créé une ouvre complexe reconnue internationalement qui lui a notamment valu d'être récompensée en 1999 par le lion d'or à la Biennale de Venise ou, tout récemment en 2020, par le prix Oskar Kokoschka à Vienne. L'ouvrage reproduit deux séries de dessins récentes : la première prolonge la série « Hurricanes and Other Catastrophes » commencée en 2006 à l'occasion des dévastations causées par l'ouragan Katrina et élargit le regard, d'abord centré sur la soudaineté des destructions après le passage de l'ouragan à La Nouvelle-Orléans, à des représentations de maisons endommagées par les changements climatiques à long terme. La deuxième série, créée pendant le confinement, nous entraîne dans des paysages gris sombre et rose délimités par des clôtures, des chaînes et des lignes de texte. Ces dernières contrastent avec la douceur des arrière-plans et paraissent incroyablement réelles et présentes. Monica Bonvicini a bombé des mots tirés de Roland Barthes, Judith Butler, Natalie Diaz, Soraya Chemaly ou Andrea Dworkin - mais inversés, abrégés ou transformés de quelque autre manière, ce qui fait apparaître une dimension poétique entièrement nouvelle : « Weep Me Crude » (« Pleure-moi brutalement »), « Power Joy Humor & Widerstand » (« Force joie humour & résistance »), « I Never Tire » (« Je ne fatigue jamais »), etc. Exposition :Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Lover's Material, 10/10/2020 - 21/2/2021
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    Delay Ageing
    Rose, Colin
    Accelerated Learning Systems Ltd, 2020, ISBN 9780905553702
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    British Designers At Home
    Rose-Innes, Jenny
    Hardie Grant Books (UK), 2020, 320 Seiten, ISBN 9781784883461
    For anyone interested in interiors, there is so much inspiration available online and in magazines these days of carefully curated spaces and contemporary homes. But what sort of spaces do interior designers themselves live in?British Designers at Home is for anyone curious to find out more about designers, and glean ideas and practical information for their own homes. This engaging and visually enticing book profiles over 20 of the most important names in British design and decoration in their own personal spaces.Names include: Alidad; Edward Bulmer; Emma Burns; Nina Campbell; Jane Churchill; Octavia Dickinson; Mike Fisher; Veere Grenney; Beata Heuman; Gavin Houghton; Roger Jones; Kit Kemp; Robert Kime; Rita Konig; Penny Morrison; Paolo Moschino; Wendy Nicholls; Guy Oliver; Colin Orchard; Carlos Sanchez-Garcia; Daniel Slowik; Justin van Breda; Sarah Vanrenen and Philip Vergeylen.Each designer has been profiled and photographed at home - alongside details of their working life and the story of how they became interested in design, they talk at length about the house itself and the thinking behind its design and decoration. From the unexpected to that classic British look, this is an exciting look at modern British interiors.
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    A Renaissance of Violence
    Rose, Colin
    Cambridge University Press, 2019, 264 Seiten, ISBN 9781108498067
    Based on a close examination of more than 700 homicide trials, A Renaissance of Violence exposes the deep social instability at the core of the early modern states of North Italy. Following a series of crises in the early seventeenth century, interpersonal violence in the region grew to frightening levels, despite the efforts of courts and governments to reduce social conflict. In this detailed study of violence in early modern Europe, Colin Rose shows how major crises, such as the plague of 1630, reduced the strength of social bonds among both elite and ordinary Italians. As a result, incidents of homicidal violence exploded - in small rural communities, in the crowded urban center and within tightly-knit families. Combining statistical analysis and close reading of homicide patterns, Rose demonstrates how the social contexts of violence, as much as the growth of state power, can contribute to explaining how and why interpersonal violence grew so rapidly in North Italy in the seventeenth century.
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    Mapping Space, Sense, and Movement in Florence

    Routledge, 2019, 1. Auflage, 220 Seiten, ISBN 9780367875824
    Mapping Space, Sense, and Movement in Florence explores the potential of digital mapping or Historical GIS as a research and teaching tool to enable researchers and students to uncover the spatial, kinetic and sensory dimensions of the early modern city. The exploration focuses on new digital research and mapping projects that engage the rich social, cultural, and artistic life of Florence in particular. One is a new GIS tool known as DECIMA, (Digitally-Encoded Census Information and Mapping Archive), and the other is a smartphone app called Hidden Florence. The international collaborators who have helped build these and other projects address three questions: how such projects can be created when there are typically fewer sources than for modern cities; how they facilitate more collaborative models for historical research into social relations, senses, and emotions; and how they help us interrogate older historical interpretations and create new models of analysis and communication. Four authors examine technical issues around the software programs and manuscripts. Five then describe how GIS can be used to advance and develop existing research projects. Finally, four authors look to the future and consider how digital mapping transforms the communication of research results, and makes it possible to envision new directions in research. This exciting new volume is illustrated throughout with maps, screenshots and diagrams to show the projects at work. It will be essential reading for students and scholars of early modern Italy, the Renaissance and digital humanities.
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    State of the Process Colin MacArthur Dyster in Nairn; Against James Rose Merchant in Aberdeen, and George Bean Sheriff Clerk Depute of Aberdeen, Factor Appointed by the Lords of Session Upon the Estate of Hugh Rose of Clava
    MacArthur, Colin
    Gale Ecco, Print Editions, 2018, 72 Seiten, ISBN 9781385488478
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    Wicked South

    Pryal Consulting, Inc., 2018, 252 Seiten, ISBN 9781947834286
    "A collection blazing with seduction, trickery, conflict, and grief, Wicked South: Secrets and Lies is a saga of bitter deceits and breathtaking victories." -Heather Ezell, author of Nothing Left to Burn For good or ill-on the page or in life-few things are more alluring than the siren song of a secret. At the heart of each story in this genre-crossing collection lies a secret. A boy who is not a boy at all, a neighbor with a mysterious identity, a tortured student with a list that isn't what it seems, a girl who abandoned the person she used to be at the bottom of a river. Conflict and possibility are embedded in a secret's very nature…betrayal and conspiracy are encoded in its DNA. Secrets can transform. They can alienate, anger, or inspire. One thing is for sure: They make a great story. Wicked South: Secrets and Lies is an anthology featuring young adult stories by authors from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Contributors are New York Times Bestselling author Emily Colin, Elizabeth DeVido, award-winning author Lauren Faulkenberry, Amy Hyatt Fonseca, Lauren Fulcher, award-winning author Robin Kirk, John Klekamp, Karissa Laurel, and Katie Rose Guest Pryal. "Menacing fairy folk and locker room monsters. Forbidden love and time-traveling adventures. The nine twisty tales in Wicked South: Secrets and Lies take readers to atmospheric corners of the American South (and beyond) filled with heartfelt characters and alluring mysteries." -John Claude Bemis, award-winning author of The Wooden Prince and The Clockwork Dark Trilogy
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    Agostino Steffani

    Brill Deutschland, 2017, 1. Auflage, 366 Seiten, ISBN 9783847107095
    Dieser interdisziplinäre Band gilt Agostino Steffani in allen drei Facetten seines Schaffens: dem Künstler, dem Politiker und dem Geistlichen. 19 Beiträge präsentieren den aktuellen Wissensstand über diesen inzwischen weltweit wiederentdeckten Grenzgänger, der schon länger die Aufmerksamkeit der Musikwissenschaftler sowie der Frühneuzeit- und Kirchenhistoriker erregte - und nicht zuletzt auch die der Künstler und des Publikums. This interdisciplinary volume considers all three facets of Steffani's work - the musical, the political and the ecclesiastical. Its 19 essays present the latest state of knowledge on this internationally rediscovered multi-talented cosmopolitan, who has long been attracting the attention of musicologists and early modern and ecclesiastical historians and is now exciting also the interest of performers and public.
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    Le Pont des Arts

    Brill | Fink, 2016, 2019, 476 Seiten, ISBN 9783770560745
    Die Pariser Brücke »Le Pont des Arts« verbindet zwei symbolträchtige Orte miteinander: Louvre und Institut de France als Sinnbilder für Kunst und Wissenschaft. Diese >Brücke der Künste< wird somit zum Ausgangspunkt einer Re?exion über die Brücke im konkreten, aber auch im übertragenen Sinne, als Denk?gur für einen Brückenschlag zwischen den Künsten. Die Beiträge aus den Bereichen Romanistik, Germanistik, Slawistik, Komparatistik, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft sowie Kunstgeschichte beleuchten Texte, Bilder und Filme, in denen sich eine Poetik der Brücke und des künstlerischen Brückenschlags veranschaulicht. Daneben nehmen französische und deutsche Gegenwartsautoren die Brücke in ihrer Lyrik sowie ihren Essais in den Blick.
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    Mapping Space, Sense, and Movement in Florence

    Routledge, 2016, 1. Auflage, 220 Seiten, ISBN 9781138184893
    Mapping Space, Sense, and Movement in Florence explores the potential of digital mapping or Historical GIS as a research and teaching tool to enable researchers and students to uncover the spatial, kinetic and sensory dimensions of the early modern city. The exploration focuses on new digital research and mapping projects that engage the rich social, cultural, and artistic life of Florence in particular. One is a new GIS tool known as DECIMA, (Digitally-Encoded Census Information and Mapping Archive), and the other is a smartphone app called Hidden Florence. The international collaborators who have helped build these and other projects address three questions: how such projects can be created when there are typically fewer sources than for modern cities; how they facilitate more collaborative models for historical research into social relations, senses, and emotions; and how they help us interrogate older historical interpretations and create new models of analysis and communication. Four authors examine technical issues around the software programs and manuscripts. Five then describe how GIS can be used to advance and develop existing research projects. Finally, four authors look to the future and consider how digital mapping transforms the communication of research results, and makes it possible to envision new directions in research. This exciting new volume is illustrated throughout with maps, screenshots and diagrams to show the projects at work. It will be essential reading for students and scholars of early modern Italy, the Renaissance and digital humanities.
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    A Tissue Regeneration Approach to Bone and Cartilage Repair

    Springer, 2016, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2015, 254 Seiten, ISBN 9783319379715
    Reviewing exhaustively the current state of the art of tissue engineering strategies for regenerating bones and joints through the use of biomaterials, growth factors and stem cells, along with an investigation of the interactions between biomaterials, bone cells, growth factors and added stem cells and how together skeletal tissues can be optimised, this book serves to highlight the importance of biomaterials composition, surface topography, architectural and mechanical properties in providing support for tissue regeneration. Maximizing reader insights into the importance of the interplay of these attributes with bone cells (osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts) and cartilage cells (chondrocytes), this book also provides a detailed reference as to how key signalling pathways are activated. The contribution of growth factors to drive tissue regeneration and stem cell recruitment is discussed along with a review the potential and challenges of adult or embryonic mesenchymal stem cells to further enhance the formation of new bone and cartilage tissues. This book serves to demonstrate the interconnectedness of biomaterials, bone/cartilage cells, growth factors and stem cells in determining the regenerative process and thus the clinical outcome.
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    Susan Sontag Revisited

    SYNEMA Gesellschaft für Film und Medien, 2015, 1. Auflage, 68 Seiten, ISBN 9783901644627
    Wer war Susan Sontag? Essayistin und Schriftstellerin, Kosmopolitin und Menschenrechtlerin, darüber hinaus eine Ikone für das Denken zwischen allen Fronten. Leichthändig verband sie Geist, Glamour und Dissidenz. Alles wollte sie, und zwar zugleich: ein wildes Leben, politisches Engagement, denken, schreiben, provozieren, sich einmischen - und last, but not least, auch Filme machen.Diese Publikation widmet sich der am wenigsten bekannten Facette in Susan Sontags breit gefächertem Werk, ihrer Arbeit als Cinephile und Cineastin. Amerikanische Filmwissenschaftlerinnen und Kritiker sind sich einig, dass Sontags Beschäftigung mit dem Film in ihrer Bedeutung kaum überschätzt werden kann. Ihre Leidenschaft für das Kino manifestierte sich in zahlreichen Aufsätzen über Filme und Filmemacher; darüber hinaus wandte sie ihre am Film entwickelten kritischen Prinzipien auch auf Literatur und Theater an und platzierte so Film und Kino als exponierten Player auf der Bühne dessen, was als Contemporary Art galt.Als Filmemacherin arbeitete Susan Sontag international: Ihre Filme entstanden zwischen 1969 und 1993 in Schweden, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Israel, Italien und Bosnien. In ihnen offenbarte sich die kulturell-kinematografisch-politische Herkunft von Susan Sontag wie auch ihre interdisziplinären Ambitionen.Mit Beiträgen von Susan Sontag, Jonathan Rosenbaum, E. Ann Kaplan, Dudley Andrew, Colin Burnett und Ralph Eue sowie einer kommentierten Filmografie der Arbeiten von, mit und über Susan Sontag.
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