Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Nick, Peter 1962-

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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Jane Goodall at 90

    Salt Water Media, LLC, 2024, 250 Seiten, ISBN 9781628063929
    A Loving Tribute from Jane Goodall's Family and Friends to a Most Amazing, Iconic, and Indefatigable Woman-and Much More In this wide-ranging collection of tributes and photographs from numerous time zones and continents, we celebrate Jane Goodall's 90th birthday with ninety wonderful "candles." Family, friends, current researchers, former students, other scientists, philosophers, animal and environmental activists, conservationists, JGI colleagues, CEOs, and actors share their love for this most amazing woman. New stories are included such as how her first scientific lecture in 1962 was received, how she brought a message of hope to the Democratic Republic of Congo amid impending shelling, her love for dogs, chimpanzees, pigs, rats, dolphins, spiders, lobsters, and many other animals, how translators were moved to tears as she spoke her heart, and her incredible sense of humor-Dr. Jane loves having fun-and unending globe-trotting quests for adventure, and Jane pretending to be a prairie dog. There are many surprises in these heartfelt reflections in addition to what just about everyone knows about this iconic and indefatigable woman who offers hope to everyone she meets no matter where they are. We can hear people saying, "I didn't know that!" All in all, these stories and photographs represent who we call the "real Jane". A few of the contributors include Anne Pusey, Anthony Collins, Sir Brian May, Craig Foster, Dave Matthews, Emmanuel Mtiti, Grub van Lawick and grandchildren Angel, Merlin, and Nick, Jae Choe, JGI colleagues, Josphat Ngonyo, Leonardo DiCaprio, Marc Benioff, Mary Lewis, Peter Singer, Rhett Butler, Richard Wrangham, Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix, Satish Kumar, and Shadrack Mkolle Kamenya.
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