Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Keller, Heidi, 1945-

Ihre Suche nach Keller, Heidi, 1945- lieferte 2 Buchtitel.
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  • 1
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Hooch and Cake
    Cullinan, Heidi
    Heidi Cullinan, 2017, 180 Seiten, ISBN 9781945116261
    Where there's a Randy, there's a way. Mitch Tedsoe isn't an expert on many things, but he's pretty sure getting married shouldn't be this hard. A justice of the peace, some hooch, some cake-all Mitch wants is to walk down the aisle with Sam Keller, have a party, and live happily ever after. But every day of wedding planning brings a new set of handicaps, legal, logistical, and emotional…until he brings in his best friend, Randy Jansen. Randy loves being the third point in Sam and Mitch's kinky triangle, and nothing would give him more pleasure than to thumb his nose at small-town snobbery and give Iowa the most fantastic gay wedding it's ever seen. But as his plan comes together and his friends prepare to sail off into the sunset, Randy begins to consider the unthinkable: that maybe, just maybe, he wishes he could have a little hooch and cake of his own.
  • 2
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Special Delivery
    Cullinan, Heidi
    Heidi Cullinan, 2017, 3rd ed., 398 Seiten, ISBN 9781945116124
    When your deepest, darkest fantasy shows up, get on board. Sam Keller knows he'll never find the excitement he craves in Middleton, Iowa-not while he's busting his ass in nursing school and paying rent by slaving away in a pharmacy stockroom. Then Sam meets Mitch Tedsoe, an independent, long-haul trucker who makes a delivery to a shop across the alley. Innocent flirting quickly leads to a fling, and when Mitch offers to take him on a road trip west, Sam jumps at the chance for adventure. Mitch is sexy, funny and friendly, but once they embark on their journey, something changes. One minute he's the star of Sam's every x-rated fantasy, the next he's almost too much a perfect gentleman. And when they hit the Las Vegas city limit, Sam has a name to pin on Mitch's malady: Randy. For better or for worse, Sam grapples with the meaning of friendship, letting go, growing up-even the meaning of love-because no matter how far he travels, eventually all roads lead home.
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