Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Iorio, Anthony Di

Ihre Suche nach Iorio, Anthony Di lieferte 1 Buchtitel.
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Virginio Gayda, the Yugoslav Question and the Italian Irredenta
    Di Iorio, Anthony
    Brill, 2023, 356 Seiten, ISBN 9789004680890
    This is a study of the early writings of Virginio Gayda (1885-1944), a talented but amoral Italian journalist whose career spanned two world wars. A keen observer, prolific writer and propagandist during his stint as the newspaper La Stampa's special correspondent in Habsburg Vienna, Gayda lent his considerable skills to promote an aggressive foreign policy. No one did more than he to poison relations between the Italian and Yugoslav peoples. His is the story of a respected journalist who chose an ultranationalist path to fascism and international fame. Not uninfluenced by rank careerism and material reward he forsook his roots to embrace the antisemitic "race" laws of 1938 and Italy's disastrous partnership with Nazi Germany.
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