Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Hodgkins, E

Ihre Suche nach Hodgkins, E lieferte 15 Buchtitel.
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  • 1
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    Auf der Suche nach Novak
    Hodgkinson, Mark
    Edel Sports - ein Verlag der Edel Verlagsgruppe, 2024, 1. Auflage, 288 Seiten, ISBN 9783985881055
    5. August 2024. Paris, Roland Garros. Im Finale gegen Carlos Alcaraz gewinnt Novak Djokovic jenen Titel, der ihm in seiner Sammlung noch gefehlt hat: Olympisches Gold. Nach seinem Matchball weint der oft so unterkühlt wirkende Serbe hemmungslos. Novak Djokovic ist ein Phänomen. Niemand, weder Federer noch Nadal, keine Steffi Graf und keine Serena Williams, ist erfolgreicher als der serbische Superstar, der bei den US Open 2023 seinen 24. Grand-Slam-Einzeltitel gewann. Doch wer ist der Mensch hinter dem Sportler, der nicht nur mit spektakulären Siegen Schlagzeilen macht, sondern abseits des Platzes für so manche Kontroverse sorgt? Tennis-Autor Mark Hodgkinson zeichnet in seiner umfassenden Biografie, für die er mit Wegbegleitern, Mentoren, Trainern und Rivalen gesprochen hat, das Bild einer ebenso faszinierenden wie komplexen Persönlichkeit, die sich durch ihr Streben nach Perfektion und unkonventionelle Überzeugungen auszeichnet.
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    She Went to Space
    Hodgkins, Fran
    Down East Books,U.S., 2024, 32 Seiten, ISBN 9781684750726
    In 2019, Maine native and NASA astronaut Jessica Meir participated in the first all-female spacewalk, an historic honor she'd been preparing for since first grade, when she drew a picture of an astronaut standing on the moon. This book for young readers follows Meir's career as a marine biologist, physiologist, and astronaut. Filled with stunning photography from earth and beyond, it is an inspiration for girls (and boys) enthralled by science and exploration.
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    Kleine Auszeiten im Alltag
    Hodgkinson, Tom
    Insel, 2023, Deutsche Erstausgabe, 127 Seiten, ISBN 9783458643685
    » Kleine Auszeiten im Alltag ist eine ebenso kurze wie nützliche Anleitung für das müßige Leben. In 24 Kapiteln erläutert das Buch die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, nichts zu tun. Diese kleinen Tricks können überall angewendet werden, und das bei geringen bis gar keinen Kosten. Indem Sie den simplen Schritten folgen, wird sich Ihre Anspannung verflüchtigen, Ihr Leben wird vergnüglicher und einfach gut.« Unterhaltsam und kurzweilig zeigt Tom Hodgkinson, wie Auszeiten zu einem festen Bestandteil im Alltag werden können. Von entschleunigender Lektüre und Tagebuchschreiben über die Wiederentdeckung alter Spiele, besondere Formen der Meditation bis zum Waldbaden und ziellosen Flanieren in der Stadt-- hier ist für alle etwas dabei. Und dass zudem die schönsten Dinge im Leben häufig umsonst sind - das zeigt dieses Buch mit erfrischender Leichtigkeit.
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    Everyday Fashion in Found Photographs
    Hodgkins, Lisa
    Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2022, 312 Seiten, ISBN 9781350249899
    In the last half of the 19th century, the women of America were beginning to develop their own sense of style. Although influenced by European fashions and the social and economic changes of the time, they made clothing choices based upon their personal aspirations and their practical everyday needs. Providing an overview of fashion influences for each decade from the 1860s to the end of the century, Everyday Fashion in Found Photographs presents iconic garments, using sources from the period, to provide commentary and detailed description of the styles of the time. Previously unpublished vintage photographs show women across the social spectrum wearing items such as the Garibaldi shirt, the cuirass bodice, the Mother Hubbard, bicycle bloomers, and much more. Names, dates and functions of garments are examined in detail, and ties are established between social and historical contexts and the evolution of clothing styles.This illustrated book is for readers who want to identify and understand specific clothing items as well as gain insight into the mind-set of fashionable women from Victorian-era America. Dress history scholars, costume designers, curators of costume collections, social and cultural historians and those who appreciate vintage photographs can learn about elements of late 19th century women's dress and thereby develop an understanding of what was fashionable, and why.
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    Leaving No Child and No Adolescent Behind
    Chatterjee, Sudeshna
    ibidem, 2021, Auflage, 280 Seiten, ISBN 9783838215471
    The future of our world over the next decade is being shaped by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek to uphold children's wellbeing and, by their call to leave no one behind and to reach the furthest behind first, shine a spotlight on the world's most vulnerable populations including children and adolescents living in poverty and exclusion. The transformative steps promised in the SDGs to 'shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path' assumes greater significance in the post-COVID-19 world where structural exclusions are starkly exposed and deep societal inequalities thickly underlined. This volume seeks to address the main drivers of poverty, exclusion, urbanization, and violence against children and adolescents and investigates how knowledge, information, data collection, measurement, and monitoring can support strategies and innovations to effectively implement the SDGs by drawing on data and experience from several countries across the world including Bangladesh, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Malawi, MENA countries, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Suriname, and Thailand. As a result, it contributes to revealing the politics of social inclusion, o?ering policy proposals towards overcoming inequality and exclusion among children and adolescents.
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    British Infantry Battalion Commanders in the First World War
    Hodgkinson, Peter E.
    Routledge, 2020, 1. Auflage, 264 Seiten, ISBN 9780367599836
    Recent studies of the British Army during the First World War have fundamentally overturned historical understandings of its strategy and tactics, yet the chain of command that linked the upper echelons of GHQ to the soldiers in the trenches remains poorly understood. In order to reconnect the lines of communication between the General Staff and the front line, this book examines the British army's commanders at battalion level, via four key questions: (i) How and where resources were found from the small officer corps of 1914 to cope with the requirement for commanding officers (COs) in the expanding army; (ii) What was the quality of the men who rose to command; (iii) Beyond simple overall quality, exactly what qualities were perceived as making an effective CO; and (iv) To what extent a meritocracy developed in the British army by the Armistice. Based upon a prosopographical analysis of a database over 4,000 officers who commanded infantry battalions during the war, the book tackles one of the central historiographical issues pertaining to the war: the qualities of the senior British officer. In so doing it challenges lingering popular conceptions of callous incompetence, as well more scholarly criticism that has derided the senior British officer, but has done so without a data-driven perspective. Through his thorough statistical analysis Dr Peter Hodgkinson adds a valuable new perspective to the historical debate underway regarding the nature of British officers during the extraordinary expansion of the Army between 1914 and 1918, and the remarkable, yet often forgotten, British victories of The Hundred Days.
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    Expert Evidence: Law and Practice
    Hodgkinson, Tristram; James, Mark
    Sweet & Maxwell, 2020, 5th edition, 840 Seiten, ISBN 9780414074330
    A comprehensive guide to the law, practice and procedure relating to the admission of expert evidence in courts, tribunals, official enquiries and other proceedings, including arbitration. It gives detailed guidance to those involved in the pre-trial preparation of expert evidence or the presentation or questioning of it in court. Covers expert evidence in both civil and criminal proceedings Sets out general principles and deals with the application of those principles in specific contexts Covers courts, tribunals, official enquiries and arbitration Provides guidance for pre-trial preparation of expert evidence, including such issues as bias, privilege and confidentiality Discusses when expert evidence can be used Details methods of questioning expert evidence in court Looks at the form and content of expert evidence, including that produced by machines, devices and other apparatus Considers methods of proof, dealing with psychological and psychiatric evidence; land and building valuation; forensic sciences and techniques; actuarial, accountancy and market research; evidence with a mathematical element; and proof of foreign law Deals individually with different fields of litigation: personal injury cases; construction claims; intellectual property; criminal sentencing; drink/driving offences; obscenity; and matrimonial and other proceedings involving children Includes all important statutory provisions and rules, and extracts from relevant cases Makes comparative reference to various other common law jurisdictions, including Scotland, Canada, USA, Australia, NZ and Ireland Covers new developments including guidance on the use and admissibility of expert evidence in civil cases, guidance on the instruction of experts to give evidence in civil claims, a practice direction giving assistance to judges in criminal cases on the admissibility and weight to be attached to expert evidence, and a new interpretation of the test for the admissibility of expert evidence under CPR r.
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    Frances Hodgkins: European Journeys
    Kisler, Mary; Hammond, Catherine
    Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2019, 268 Seiten, ISBN 9780500094181
    New Zealand-born Frances Hodgkins (1869-1947) arrived in London in 1901 and, by the 1920s, had become a leading British modernist, exhibiting frequently with avant-garde artists such as Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore. This book explores Hodgkins as a traveller across cultures and landscapes - teaching and discovering the cubists in Paris, absorbing the landscape and light of Ibiza and Morocco, and exhibiting with the progressive Seven & Five Society in London. Complete with a rich visual chronology of the artist's encounters abroad, alongside over one hundred of Hodgkins' key paintings and drawings, the book is an illuminating journey that moves us from place to place through the writings of a number of distinguished national and international art historians, curators and critics: Frances Spalding (University of Cambridge, England), Alexa Johnston (Auckland-based writer and curator), Elena Taylor (University of New South Wales, Australia), Antoni Ribas Tur (Ara newspaper, Spain), and Julia Waite, Sarah Hillary, Catherine Hammond and Mary Kisler (Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, New Zealand).
  • 9
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    The International Library of Essays on Capital Punishment, Volume 1
    Hodgkinson, Peter
    Routledge, 2018, 1. Auflage, 552 Seiten, ISBN 9781138379909
    This volume provides up-to-date and nuanced analysis across a wide spectrum of capital punishment issues. The essays move beyond the conventional legal approach and propose fresh perspectives, including a unique critique of the abolition sector. Written by a range of leading experts with diverse geographical, methodological and conceptual approaches, the essays in this volume challenge received wisdom and embrace a holistic understanding of capital punishment based on practical experience and empirical data. This collection is indispensable reading for anyone seeking a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the complexity of the death penalty discourse.
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    The International Library of Essays on Capital Punishment, Volume 2
    Hodgkinson, Peter
    Routledge, 2018, 1. Auflage, 408 Seiten, ISBN 9781138379916
    The essays selected for this volume develop conventional abolition discourse and explore the conceptual framework through which abolition is understood and posited. Of particular interest is the attention given to an integral but often forgotten element of the abolition debate: alternatives to capital punishment. The volume also provides an account of strategies employed by the abolition community which challenges tired methodologies and offers a level of transparency previously unseen. This collection tackles complex but fundamental components of the capital punishment debate using empirical data and expert observations and is essential reading for those wishing to comprehend the fundamental issues which underpin capital punishment discourse.
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    Practical Handbook of Earth Science
    Hodgkinson, Jane; Stacey, Frank
    CRC Press, 2017, 1. Auflage, 420 Seiten, ISBN 9781138552234
    This self-contained handbook provides a carefully researched, compact source of key earth science information and data, logically sorted by subject matter, and then cross-referenced. Appealing to both experts and non-experts alike, the book presents earth science and environmental science as closely intertwined. It includes tables of the global distributions of fossil fuels, contrasted by tables of the distribution of non-fossil energy sources. Concise explanations cover the subject matters of geology, geophysics, oceans, atmosphere with attention to environmental implications and resources.
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    Business für Bohemiens
    Hodgkinson, Tom
    Kein & Aber, 2017, 1. Auflage, neue Ausgabe, 288 Seiten, ISBN 9783036957593
    Wer weder Erdöl noch Hundefutter verkaufen will, sondern etwas Schönes und Sinnvolles mit seiner Arbeit machen möchte, ist der ideale Leser für dieses Buch. Tom Hodgkinson, früher Experte für alle Fragen des Müßiggangs, ist heute selbst Unternehmer. Er hat in London die Idler Academy gegründet, eine Art Volkshochschule für das gehobene Volk, in der Kurse in Grammatik, Reden halten, Musizieren, Brot backen, Bier brauen und Philosophie angeboten werden. In »Business für Bohemiens« stellt er auf höchst unterhaltsamem Niveau, gespickt mit amüsanten Anekdoten, den Lesern seine Erfahrungen zur Verfügung: Wie erstelle ich einen Geschäftsplan? Wie funktioniert eine Kalkulation, was gehört zu einer guten Buchhaltung, worin bestehen die Vorzüge einer guten Website, und wo finde ich die richtigen Angestellten? Und nicht zuletzt: Wann ist der Moment gekommen, das Handtuch zu werfen?
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    The International Library of Essays on Capital Punishment, Volume 3
    Hodgkinson, Peter
    Routledge, 2013, 1. Auflage, 680 Seiten, ISBN 9781409461371
    This volume provides analyses of a range of subjects and issues in the death penalty debate, from medicine to the media. The essays address in particular the personal complexities of those involved, a fundamental part of the subject usually overridden by the theoretical and legal aspects of the debate. The unique personal vantage offered by this volume makes it essential reading for anyone interested in going beyond the removed theoretical understanding of the death penalty, to better comprehending its fundamental humanity. Additionally, the international range of the analysis, enabling disaggregation of country specific motivations, ensures the complexities of the death penalty are also considered from a global perspective.
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    The International Library of Essays on Capital Punishment, Volume 1
    Hodgkinson, Peter
    Routledge, 2013, 1. Auflage, 552 Seiten, ISBN 9781409461357
    This volume provides up-to-date and nuanced analysis across a wide spectrum of capital punishment issues. The essays move beyond the conventional legal approach and propose fresh perspectives, including a unique critique of the abolition sector. Written by a range of leading experts with diverse geographical, methodological and conceptual approaches, the essays in this volume challenge received wisdom and embrace a holistic understanding of capital punishment based on practical experience and empirical data. This collection is indispensable reading for anyone seeking a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the complexity of the death penalty discourse.
  • 15
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    The International Library of Essays on Capital Punishment, Volume 2
    Hodgkinson, Peter
    Routledge, 2013, 1. Auflage, 408 Seiten, ISBN 9781409461364
    The essays selected for this volume develop conventional abolition discourse and explore the conceptual framework through which abolition is understood and posited. Of particular interest is the attention given to an integral but often forgotten element of the abolition debate: alternatives to capital punishment. The volume also provides an account of strategies employed by the abolition community which challenges tired methodologies and offers a level of transparency previously unseen. This collection tackles complex but fundamental components of the capital punishment debate using empirical data and expert observations and is essential reading for those wishing to comprehend the fundamental issues which underpin capital punishment discourse.
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