Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Cullen, Niamh

Ihre Suche nach Cullen, Niamh lieferte 2 Buchtitel.
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  • 1
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Love, Honour, and Jealousy
    Cullen, Niamh
    Oxford University Press, 2019, 240 Seiten, ISBN 9780198840374
    Love, Honour, and Jealousy investigates the impact of the Italian economic miracle of the 1950s and 1960s on intimate life. Just as Italy was rapidly forged into an urban, industrial nation in these years, the ways in which Italians thought about family, love, and marriage were transformed by migration and modern consumer culture. At the core of this book lies the investigation of almost one hundred and fifty unpublished diaries and memoirs written by ordinary men and women who were coming of age during these years. These personal testimonies reveal unique insights into the experiences, thoughts, and feelings of those who came of age against the backdrop of a rapidly changing Italy. The personal stories are explored alongside the films, magazines, and music of the time, which were saturated with both new and old ideas of romance. Films and magazines encouraged young Italians to put romantic love and individual desire over family, contributing to changing expectations about marriage, and often resulting in family tensions. At the same time popular love stories were frequently laced with jealousy, hinting at the darker emotions that were linked in many minds, to love. This darker side was a significant part of the story of changing ideas about intimacy in post-war Italy, as was the growing desire to marry for love. Control and violence against women was closely linked to southern ideas about family honour but also to anxieties about Italy's changing society, which manifested itself in romantic jealousy. Through its exploration of courtship, marriage, honour crime, forced marriage, jealousy, and marriage breakdown, Love, Honour, and Jealousy traces the ways in which the lives both of individuals and of the nation itself, were shaped by changing understandings of romantic love and its darker companions, honour and jealousy.
  • 2
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Piero Gobetti's Turin
    Cullen, Niamh
    Peter Lang Verlag, 2011, 1. Auflage, 329 Seiten, ISBN 9783034302623
    In his brief public career, Piero Gobetti was one of the most outspoken and original voices of early Italian antifascism. Before his sudden death in 1926, he founded and edited three periodicals, including the fiercely antifascist La Rivoluzione Liberale and the literary journal Il Baretti . While much has been written about his antifascism and his theories of 'liberal revolution', this book considers him primarily as an 'organiser of culture' and situates him both in the context of his lived experience in Turin after the First World War and in a wider European panorama. Although politically marginal by 1918, Turin was one of Italy's most modern cities, with its futuristic Fiat factories, vocal working class and militant socialist intellectuals such as Antonio Gramsci. The book explores Gobetti's encounters with Turin - both its history and the modern, urban landscape of Gobetti's own day - as central to his thinking. Historically and geographically, Turin was also the Italian city closest to France and northern Europe. If Gobetti's immediate surroundings inspired much of his thinking, his sensibilities were - in true Piedmontese style - more European than Italian, and his ultimate impact far from only local. Finally, Gobetti's bitter disillusionment with liberal and fascist Italy, as well as his refusal to fit any of the conventional political labels, means that his memory has remained contentious right up to the present day. This groundbreaking new study explores the roots of Gobetti's thinking, his impact on Italian culture and his controversial legacy.
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