Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Caruso, Carina

Ihre Suche nach Caruso, Carina lieferte 4 Buchtitel.
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  • 1
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Das Schloss vis-à-vis
    Caruso, Carina C.
    tredition, 2024, 64 Seiten, ISBN 9783384269232
    Es geht um die Liebe in all ihren Schattierungen.I What really counts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1II Liebe ist ein Ort, ein Orkan und ein Zauber . . 3III One day in Eltville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5IV Gedanken an den Schreibakt als Lebens-äußerung und Selbstwertschätzung . . . . . . . . . 7V Liebe - ein Ort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15VI Liebe - ein Orkan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17VII Liebe - ein Zauber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21VIII Liebe ist manchmal "verpeilt" und "langweilig" 23IX Liebe ist ein Gefühl für die Ewigkeit,die in uns tanzt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27X Rheinstrand-Elegie, oder: Mut zum Handeln . 31XI Zukunft gestalten ohne Prokrastination . . . . . 35XII Das geöffnete Schloss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39XIII Sabbatical Time - eine Zeit des Sortierens,der Veränderung und des Neu-Beginnens . . . . 43XIV Sabbatzeiten sind Neuerfindungshaine,die uns die Schönheit der Accessoires lehren . . 51
  • 2
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Grenzenlos einzigartig
    Caruso, Noëmi
    Womansphere, 2023, 276 Seiten, ISBN 9783384037800
    Ein Buch über Frauen, die sich ein Herz gefasst haben und mutig ihrem Weg gefolgt sind, ohne dabei Hindernisse als Endstation zu betrachten. Es geht um die Kraft der Gemeinschaft und die Magie der Weiblichkeit.Geschrieben von Verena Böer, Imke Limarys Simons, Aiuna Katja Mele, Kirsten Denker, Petra Wenski-Hänisch, Gaby Dewidar, Bettina Mersmann, Corinne Beffa, Natascha Bolten, Claudia von der Wehd, Helene Frost, Carina Kiunke, Daniela FiralaMa Hoffmann, Jennifer Gessler, Nina Yvonne Tröscher, Nadine El Badramany, Mandy Ahlendorf, Friederike Nölle, Tanja Suppiger, Jennifer EvolutionNow, Andrea Hirsch
  • 3
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Das Praxissemester von angehenden Lehrkräften
    Caruso, Carina
    Springer VS, 2019, 1. Aufl. 2019, 335 Seiten, ISBN 9783658261924
    Carina Caruso zeigt, dass es insgesamt ein voraussetzungsreiches Unterfangen darstellt, ein in nahezu allen Bundesländern für Lehramtsstudiengänge integriertes Praktikum so zu gestalten, dass es einen Beitrag zur Professionalisierung angehender Lehrkräfte leistet. Die Ergebnisse der qualitativen und quantitativen Untersuchung, die sich auf das Praxissemester Religionslehre in NRW beziehen und in der vorliegenden Arbeit beschrieben werden, zeichnen ein ambivalentes Bild bezüglich der vom Praxissemester ausgehenden Effekte.
  • 4
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    A Church Learns to Get Along
    Peter, Caruso; Caruso, Beverly A
    Abba Ministries, 2015, 156 Seiten, ISBN 9780962903830
    A Church Learns to Get Along is the story of a local church congregation that discovered practical, biblical principles that transformed their individual lives, their marriages and families-and their church. Corporately and individually they found God at work in the areas of speaking the truth in love, transparency, sharing one another's burdens, and more. The result brought them into a new freedom and openness with one another. To the surprise of this pastoral couple, they found their counseling load decrease, and even more amazing, gossip was virtually eliminated from their flock. Christ's prayer in John 17 emphasizes the unity He expects and desires in His Church. Nevertheless, the whole area of loving honest relationships proves to be a difficult calling. The tendency is to tolerate problems in each other's lives in order to avoid personal involvement and possible hurts. Yet the call to unity remains. Partners in life and in ministry, authors Pete and Bev Caruso demonstrate the Christ-life in their relationships with their three children, many grand- and great-grandchildren, and with those they have pastored and discipled into fruitfulness. In A Church Learns to Get Along, the Carusos bring Christ's teaching to life through firsthand accounts of Biblical principles being applied in everyday situations. Through true stories you will see how Christ can work in your life through acceptance, forgiveness, affirming, as well as by learning to lovingly confront one another. Pete and Bev pioneered and pastored two churches, established a Christian school, and helped start four other churches. They have ministered in over 40 countries, speaking in churches of many denominations, universities, prisons, Youth With A Mission, Christ for the Nations, FGBMFI, Aglow, Teen Challenge, and more. Pete and Bev believe God has equipped them to inspire and help this generation to reconcile the lost to God, and to bring restoration within families and groups of believers. Both Pete and Bev speak locally and internationally. Their messages come from their study of the Scriptures and their life experiences. Pete loves to present Biblical truths, then inspire folks to apply the Word to their own lives. Bev shares candidly from the heart of a true shepherdess, offering insight, comfort and encouragement. Pete is often sought out for mentoring by other ministers. One wrote, "Your life has been a model of integrity, compassion and love for others. I often find myself drawing from lessons I've learned from your example." Bev's writing includes several books plus articles in Discipleship Journal, The Christian Communicator, Ministries Today, and others. John Bills, former West Coast (USA) Director, Youth With A Mission, wrote, "You have shown faithfulness to God in all He has called you to do. I appreciate your passionate hearts to touch the lives of God's people who are hurting and the ministry of restoration and renewal to the weary." Eric Olson said, "Some people really stand out. You have made a permanent imprint on my mind and spirit because of the way you uniquely portray the Lord by the way you reflect Him in your actions and life," A student in Italy, Carina wrote, "It is rare to see couples who love one another like you. Your happiness, your peace, and love are examples to me,"
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