Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Burbidge, Adam

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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Food Industry R&D
    Traitler, Helmut; Coleman, Birgit; Burbidge, Adam
    Wiley, 2016, 312 Seiten, ISBN 9781119089391
    Research and development represents a vast spread of topics and can be an arena for controversy. In academia, such controversy may stem from conflicting interpretations of data and subsequent conclusions, the question of who was first to discover a particular finding and whether or not the said finding is of any value to the scientific community. R&D in corporate environments is mostly defined and driven by costs and clearly identified, consumer-focused targets. There is, however, common ground between these two approaches as both strive to maximize knowledge, though for different reasons and in differnt ways. The equipment and scientific rigor may be similar or identical, however their usage, approach and interpretation are different. This book discusses the history and background of today's food industry R&D as seen by consumers, academia and the industry itself, with several chapters dedicated to new and disruptive approaches. A must-read for all professionals in the packaged goods industry as well as students who aspire to contribute to this new industry, forcefully driven by R&D.
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