Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld

Anschaffungsvorschläge für Bae, Sejong

Ihre Suche nach Bae, Sejong lieferte 23 Buchtitel.
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  • 1
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Existence 4
    Kwang Jin,
    C Lines, 2025, Auflage, 432 Seiten, ISBN 9783551630728
    Actiongeladener und fantasygewaltiger Webtoon-Hit - mit Extra in 1. Auflage (solange der Vorrat reicht)! Jain Lee ist außergewöhnlich - außergewöhnlich mächtig, denn er durchlebte schon zahllose Reinkarnationen: an einem Tag unersetzliches Mitglied einer Ameisenkolonie, am anderen Tag imposantes Dasein als Dinosaurier. Nun wurde er als Mensch wiedergeboren und trägt die kumulierte Kraft jeder vergangenen Lebensform in sich. Als einzigartiges Superwesen fragt sich Jain Lee nach dem Sinn seiner Existenz und findet schließlich eine verstörende Antwort für sich: Er muss die Menschheit auslöschen. Und so tritt er an, um sich seiner düsteren Bestimmung zu stellen... Das erwartet dich in diesem Band: Die Welt steht vor dem Abgrund, denn die Präsidentin entfesselt als Marionette des Steers einen Weltkrieg. Auf dem Weg nach Sejong rettet Jain Daun und kämpft Seite an Seite mit Okja. Wird er Leesu retten und den Steer besiegen können? Es kommt zum Showdown um Leben, Liebe und Erlösung! Dieser Band ist komplett in Farbe Abgeschlossen in 4 Bänden Dies ist der Abschlussband der Serie. Ein packender Webtoon zwischen Leben und Zerstörung - perfekt für Fans düsterer Fantasy!
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Analyzing the Korean Alphabet
    Pae, Hye K.
    Springer, 2024, 2024 ed., 276 Seiten, ISBN 9783031496325
    This book provides comprehensive coverage of the Korean alphabet, Hangul, and includes a synthesis of research findings relating to reading in the non-Roman alphabet. This, in turn, contributes to the science of reading through an understanding of reading mechanisms that are essential for all writing systems, and that are particular for a given writing system. Hangul has been recognized as "the world's best alphabet," "one of the great intellectual achievements of Mankind," and "alphabet's epitome, a star among alphabets" by international linguists and historians. It is known that writing systems have evolved based on the ecological principle that visual signs are culturally selected to match objects found in natural scenes through selection pressures for optimal visual processing. However, Hangul is an exception. It was purposely invented by King Sejong in the 15 th century to combat the illiteracy prevalent at the time. The chapters excavate the historical background of Hangul, and the unique characteristics of Hangul that contribute to learnability for emergent readers and efficiency for skilled readers. The author presents empirical evidence of psycholinguistic research into reading Hangul, building theories and presenting implications for the science of reading (psycholinguistics) and the science of writing (grapholinguistics). This book is relevant to students, researchers, and practitioners in applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, language studies, reading studies, and grammatology, with a particular focus on the Korean alphabet.
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Paul's New Creation
    Chun, Sejong
    Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2023, 230 Seiten, ISBN 9781666905083
    Was Paul a middleman for God's new creation? In Paul's New Creation: Vision for a New World and Community, Sejong Chun suggests a surprising answer to this question through inter(con)textual readings of Paul's (new) creation passages from the perspective of the Korean immigrant church in America. Sejong points out that scholars have regarded Paul's new creation as if it were an abstract concept. The author focuses on its real character by proposing the ekklesia as a tangible embodiment of God's new creation, emphasizing its cosmic dimension and ecclesiastical meaning. Sejong suggests Paul as a middleman with his Gentile churches who delivered God's super-abundant grace to the marginalized urban poor in the Jerusalem church. Paul and the early Christians in central cities around the Mediterranean basin fulfilled the collective project of the Jerusalem collection. Paul's collection was an ultimate sign of independence from the Jerusalem church authority and a manifestation of a new and alternative economy against the exploitative and hierarchical structure of the Roman Empire.
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Citta di Sejong, progettazione urbana per il futuro
    Kwon, Youngsang; Ahn, Kunhyuk
    Edizioni Sapienza, 2023, 52 Seiten, ISBN 9786206934219
    Sejong Si (Città di Sejong), la seconda capitale della Corea del Sud, è una nuova città avviata per realizzare l'agenda politica nazionale di uno sviluppo territoriale equilibrato, mitigando l'eccessiva concentrazione di strutture pubbliche e private nell'area metropolitana di Seoul (SMA). Il piano regolatore di Sejong City è stato formulato nel 2005 attraverso un progetto avviato dal governo coreano ed è degno di nota in quanto presenta un nuovo paradigma di progettazione urbana che riflette l'esperienza coreana. Una delle caratteristiche principali è la forma ad anello della città di Sejong (decentrata e vuota nell'area centrale), che la rende strutturalmente diversa da altre città moderne con strutture gerarchiche e simboliche. Un'altra caratteristica importante è la presenza di circa 20 unità di quartiere situate secondo la struttura ad anello. Ciò è coerente con i sistemi di sviluppo orientato al transito (TOD) e di sviluppo tradizionale del quartiere (TND). Il metodo di progettazione urbana basato sui modelli TOD e TND è stato efficace in termini di struttura urbana decentrata della città di Sejong.
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Cidade de Sejong, concecao urbana para o futuro
    Kwon, Youngsang; Ahn, Kunhyuk
    Edicoes Nosso Conhecimento, 2023, 56 Seiten, ISBN 9786206934172
    Sejong Si (cidade de Sejong), a segunda capital da Coreia do Sul, é uma nova cidade iniciada com o objetivo de cumprir a agenda política nacional de desenvolvimento territorial equilibrado, atenuando a concentração excessiva de instalações públicas e privadas na área metropolitana de Seul (AMS). O plano diretor para a cidade de Sejong foi formulado em 2005 através de um projeto iniciado pelo governo coreano e é digno de nota na medida em que apresenta um novo paradigma de design urbano de construção que reflecte a experiência coreana. Uma das principais características é o desenho em forma de anel da cidade de Sejong (descentralizada e vazia na área central), que a torna estruturalmente distinta de outras cidades modernas com estruturas hierárquicas e simbólicas. Outra caraterística importante é a presença de aproximadamente 20 unidades de vizinhança localizadas de acordo com a estrutura em forma de anel. Isto é consistente com os sistemas de desenvolvimento orientado para o trânsito (TOD) e desenvolvimento tradicional de bairro (TND). O método de desenho urbano baseado nos modelos TOD e TND tem sido eficaz em termos da estrutura urbana descentralizada da cidade de Sejong.
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    La ville de Sejong, une conception urbaine pour l'avenir
    Kwon, Youngsang; Ahn, Kunhyuk
    Editions Notre Savoir, 2023, 56 Seiten, ISBN 9786206934189
    Sejong Si (Sejong City), la deuxième capitale de la Corée du Sud, est une ville nouvelle créée pour réaliser l'agenda politique national de développement territorial équilibré en atténuant la concentration excessive d'équipements publics et privés dans la zone métropolitaine de Séoul (SMA). Le plan directeur de Sejong City a été formulé en 2005 dans le cadre d'un projet initié par le gouvernement coréen et est remarquable en ce qu'il présente un nouveau paradigme de construction urbaine reflétant l'expérience coréenne. L'une des principales caractéristiques de la ville de Sejong est sa conception en forme d'anneau (décentralisée et vide dans la zone centrale), qui la distingue structurellement des autres villes modernes aux structures hiérarchiques et symboliques. Une autre caractéristique majeure est la présence d'environ 20 unités de voisinage situées conformément à la structure en anneau. Cette structure est conforme aux systèmes de développement axé sur les transports en commun (TOD) et de développement traditionnel des quartiers (TND). La méthode de conception urbaine basée sur les modèles TOD et TND s'est avérée efficace pour la structure urbaine décentralisée de la ville de Sejong.
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Ciudad de Sejong, diseño urbano para el futuro
    Kwon, Youngsang; Ahn, Kunhyuk
    Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento, 2023, 52 Seiten, ISBN 9786206934202
    Sejong Si (Ciudad Sejong), la segunda capital de Corea del Sur, es una nueva ciudad iniciada para cumplir el programa político nacional de desarrollo territorial equilibrado mitigando la excesiva concentración de instalaciones públicas y privadas en el área metropolitana de Seúl (AMS). El plan maestro de Sejong City se formuló en 2005 a través de un proyecto iniciado por el gobierno coreano y destaca por presentar un nuevo paradigma de diseño urbano de la construcción que refleja la experiencia coreana. Una de sus principales características es su diseño en forma de anillo (descentralizado y vacío en la zona central), que la distingue estructuralmente de otras ciudades modernas con estructuras jerárquicas y simbólicas. Otra característica importante es la presencia de unas 20 unidades de barrio situadas de acuerdo con la estructura en forma de anillo. Esto es coherente con los sistemas de desarrollo orientado al tránsito (DOT) y de desarrollo tradicional de barrios (DTR). El método de diseño urbano basado en los modelos TOD y TND ha sido eficaz en cuanto a la estructura urbana descentralizada de la ciudad de Sejong.
  • 8
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Korea Travel Bucket List - A Local's Guide to Over 150 Things You Must Do in Seoul!
    Media, Fandom
    New Ampersand Publishing, 2023, 74 Seiten, ISBN 9791188195978
    Don't go to Korea without this book! Trust us, Seoul's vibrant exterior is just the tip of the iceberg, but don't worry - we're not your typical travel guide stopping at just telling you where to go; we're your Seoul-savvy companions, revealing the city's most epic secrets as we handpick more than 150 must-do activities and challenges from over 80 spots that will not only fill your itinerary but also immerse you in Seoul's heartbeat like a local would! Let's talk Hangang Riverside - We'll teach you how to turn picnics into unforgettable riverside fiestas, capturing epic shots at the river's most Instagrammable spots, and diving into the addictive combo of Chimaek (Korean Fried Chicken and ice-cold beer). Slurp some instant ramyun from an automated machine and enjoy the summer night market. How about a private party on water in a Tubester? Let's not forget the futuristic Floating Island, spotlighted as a villain's HQ in a Super Hero flick! Visit Seoul's royal palaces in a whole new light. Snap an epic photo with King Sejong the Great! Hold onto your hat, because there's an underground museum hidden beneath the statue not well known even to the locals! Make sure to purify your soul before entering the palace by doing THIS. Rent a hanbok (we'll teach you how) to feel what it must have been like to be Korean royalty and get free admission with that! And the Royal Guard Changing Ceremony? We'll teach you where and when to witness this majestic display. And the latest addition - visit Cheong Wa Dae, the former residence of South Korean presidents! We'll tell you exactly how to make it happen. Gangnam Style isn't just a catchy song - it's a lifestyle. We'll help you uncover the trendiest area in Seoul and its treasure trove of attractions, from where to go for ultimate luxury shopping to youngsters' and hipsters' hangout spots. Museums? They don't have to be boring! Witness Korea's stunning comeback post-Korean War. You will be surprised to see THIS in real life! And don't worry about the kiddos - we've got the ultimate strategy to keep them engaged and entertained. Are you a K-Pop fanatic? We will help you make a pilgrimage to the Big 4 entertainment companies' HQs, cozy cafes dripping with artist-inspired charm, and merchandise wonderlands stocked with albums, posters, and more. Ready to meet virtual K-Pop stars? We've got your golden coordinates right here! Catch all 17 Gangnaom Dolls dedicated to the K-Pop stars! Ever wondered what it's like to live like a monk? Our insider tips will get you there. Get ready to be swept away by the Lantern Parade, immerse yourself in ancient traditions at Jongmyo Royal Shrine. We also have an idea to help Catholics and Muslims visiting Seoul to have a worship opportunity. Shopping for souvenirs for friends back home? We'll help you navigate around a cultural hub where shopping goes hand in hand with experiencing traditional crafts and artworks with a modern spin! Ever tried your hand at kimchi-making? You can even bring it back home! Check out THIS flea market to find a hidden gem! Don't spend all your money just yet because you have to try the mouth-watering Korean street foods. Learn how to "lock up" your love at Namsan Seoul Tower, and to create unforgettable moments at Lotte World, in a Korean school uniform! Enjoy jjimjilbang saunas, from making quirky "sheep head towel hats" to indulging in silky-smooth skin with body scrubs. Learn how to enjoy Itaewon, the most exotic place in Seoul. If you want to learn about your future, visit a saju reader, who will interpret your destiny based on your birth date, time and name. This book is your passport to experiencing Seoul like a true insider - your key to unlocking an unforgettable journey!
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Lista de cosas que hacer en Corea
    Media, Fandom
    New Ampersand Publishing, 2023, 74 Seiten, ISBN 9791188195985
    El vibrante exterior de Seúl es sólo la punta del iceberg, pero no se preocupe: no somos la típica guía de viajes que se limita a decirle dónde ir; somos sus compañeros expertos en Seúl, que le revelarán los secretos más épicos de la ciudad mientras seleccionamos más de 150 actividades y retos imprescindibles de entre más de 80 lugares que no sólo llenarán su itinerario, sino que le sumergirán en el latido de Seúl como lo haría un lugareño. Hablemos de Hangang Riverside: le enseñaremos a convertir los picnics en inolvidables fiestas junto al río, a capturar fotos épicas en los lugares más Instagrammables del río y a sumergirse en la adictiva combinación de Chimaek. Sorba un poco de ramyun instantáneo de una máquina automática y disfrute del mercado nocturno de verano. ¿Qué tal una fiesta privada sobre el agua en un Tubester? No olvidemos la futurista Isla Flotante, utilizada como cuartel general de un villano en una película de superhéroes. Visite los palacios reales de Seúl desde una perspectiva totalmente nueva. Hazte una foto épica con el Rey Sejong. Hay un museo subterráneo oculto bajo la estatua que ni siquiera conocen los lugareños. Alquile un hanbok (le enseñaremos cómo) para sentir lo que debió ser ser la realeza coreana y, además, ¡entre gratis! ¿Y la ceremonia de cambio de guardia real? Le enseñaremos dónde y cuándo presenciar esta majestuosa exhibición. Y la última novedad: ¡visitar Cheong Wa Dae, la antigua residencia de los presidentes surcoreanos! Le diremos exactamente cómo hacerlo. Gangnam Style no es sólo una canción pegadiza: es un estilo de vida. Le ayudaremos a descubrir la zona más de moda de Seúl y su tesoro de atracciones, desde dónde ir de compras de lujo hasta los lugares de reunión de jóvenes y hipsters. ¿Es usted un fanático del K-Pop? Te ayudaremos a peregrinar a las sedes de las 4 grandes empresas del entretenimiento, a acogedoras cafeterías llenas de encanto inspirado en los artistas y a los paraísos comerciales repletos de álbumes, pósters y mucho más. ¿Listo para conocer a las estrellas virtuales del K-Pop? Aquí tienes las coordenadas. Descubre los 17 Gangnam Dolls dedicados a las estrellas del K-Pop. ¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado cómo es vivir como un monje? Nuestros consejos le ayudarán a conseguirlo. Prepárese para dejarse llevar por el Desfile de los Faroles, sumérjase en las antiguas tradiciones en el Santuario Real de Jongmyo. También tenemos una idea para que los católicos y musulmanes que visiten Seúl tengan la oportunidad de rendir culto. ¿Quiere comprar recuerdos para sus amigos? Le ayudaremos a navegar por un centro cultural donde las compras van de la mano de la artesanía tradicional y las obras de arte con un toque moderno. ¿Ha probado alguna vez a hacer kimchi? Incluso puede llevárselo a casa. Eche un vistazo a ESTE mercadillo para encontrar una joya oculta. No se gaste todo el dinero porque tiene que probar la deliciosa comida callejera coreana. Aprenda a "encerrar" a su amor en la Torre Namsan de Seúl, y a crear momentos inolvidables en Lotte World, ¡en uniforme escolar coreano! Siga nuestra guía para disfrutar de las saunas jjimjilbang, desde la confección de extravagantes "gorros toalla con cabeza de oveja" hasta el disfrute de una piel suave como la seda con exfoliantes corporales. Aprenda también a disfrutar de Itaewon, el lugar más exótico de Seúl. Visite a un lector de saju, que interpretará su destino basándose en su fecha, hora y nombre de nacimiento. También podrás averiguar qué tan buena pareja eres, ¡si viajas con tu amor! Este libro es su pasaporte para vivir Seúl como un auténtico experto, la llave que le abrirá las puertas de un viaje inolvidable. No viaje a Corea sin este libro.
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Lista della Spesa della Corea
    Media, Fandom
    New Ampersand Publishing, 2023, 74 Seiten, ISBN 9791193438046
    L'aspetto esteriore di Seul è solo la punta dell'iceberg, ma non ti preoccupare: non siamo la solita guida turistica che si limita a dirti dove andare; siamo i tuoi compagni di viaggio esperti di Seul, che ti sveleranno i segreti più straordinari della città mentre selezioniamo più di 150 attività e sfide imperdibili da oltre 80 luoghi che non solo riempiranno il tuo itinerario, ma ti permetteranno anche di immergerti nel cuore pulsante di Seul come farebbe un vero abitante del posto! Parliamo del fiume Hangang: ti insegneremo a trasformare i picnic in indimenticabili feste sul fiume, a scattare foto epiche nei punti più Instagrammabili del fiume e a immergerti nella coinvolgente combinazione di Chimaek. Sorseggia un ramyun istantaneo da una macchinetta automatica e vivi il mercato notturno estivo. Che ne dici di una festa privata sull'acqua in un Tubester? Senza dimenticare la futuristica Floating Island, che è stata utilizzata come quartier generale di un cattivo in un film di Supereroi! Visita i palazzi reali di Seul sotto un'ottica del tutto nuova. Scatta una foto epica con il Re Sejong il Grande! Tieniti stretto il cappello, perché sotto la statua si nasconde un museo sotterraneo sconosciuto anche agli abitanti della città! Prima di entrare nel palazzo, assicurati di purificare la tua anima facendo QUESTO. Noleggia un hanbok per provare come doveva essere la vita dei reali coreani e ottieni l'ingresso gratuito! E la cerimonia del cambio della guardia reale? E l'ultima novità: la visita a Cheong Wa Dae, l'ex residenza dei presidenti sudcoreani! Gangnam Style non è solo una canzone accattivante: è uno stile di vita. Ti aiuteremo a scoprire la zona più trendy di Seul e il suo tesoretto di attrazioni, da dove fare shopping di lusso ai luoghi di ritrovo dei giovani e degli hipster. I musei? Scopri la straordinaria rinascita della Corea dopo la Guerra di Corea. Scegli i tuoi tesori preferiti delle antiche dinastie e dei regni. E non preoccuparti per i bambini: abbiamo la strategia definitiva per tenerli impegnati e farli divertire. K-Pop? Ti aiuteremo a recarti in pellegrinaggio presso le sedi dei Big 4 dell'intrattenimento, in accoglienti caffetterie che sprizzano fascino da tutti i pori e in meraviglie di merchandising con album, poster e molto altro ancora. Sei pronto a incontrare le star virtuali del K-Pop? Abbiamo le tue coordinate d'oro proprio qui! Scopri tutte le 17 Gangnam Dolls dedicate alle star del K-Pop! Ti sei mai chiesto cosa significhi vivere come un monaco? I nostri consigli da insider ti permetteranno di farlo. Preparati a essere trasportato dal Festival delle Lanterne, immergiti nelle antiche tradizioni del Santuario reale di Jongmyo. Inoltre, abbiamo pensato a come aiutare i cattolici e i musulmani in visita a Seul a praticare il loro culto. Cerchi souvenir per gli amici a casa? Ti aiuteremo a districarti in un centro culturale dove lo shopping va di pari passo con l'artigianato tradizionale e le opere d'arte con un tocco moderno! Hai mai provato a fare il kimchi? Puoi anche portarlo a casa! Dai un'occhiata a QUESTO mercatino delle pulci per trovare una perla nascosta! Non spendere tutti i tuoi soldi perché devi assolutamente provare il delizioso street food coreano. Scopri come "mettere il lucchetto" al tuo amore alla Namsan Seul Tower e come regalare momenti indimenticabili al Lotte World, indossando un'uniforme scolastica coreana! Segui la nostra guida per approfittare delle saune jjimjilbang. Scopri anche come goderti Itaewon, il luogo più esotico di Seul. E se vuoi conoscere il tuo futuro, visita un lettore saju, che interpreterà il tuo destino secondo la tua data di nascita, l'ora e il nome. Questo libro è il tuo passaporto per vivere Seul come un vero e proprio insider - la tua chiave per sbloccare un viaggio indimenticabile! Non andare in Corea senza questo lib
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    Anschaffung vorschlagen
    Sejong Korean 6

    Korean Book Services, 2022, 208 Seiten, ISBN 9791185872582
    This is the sixth volume in the Sejong Korean - Revised Edition series.Sejong Korean is a series of books with a communicative approach, with a variety of listening, writing, speaking and reading exercises. The audios of the book can be downloaded via a QR code located on the back cover of the book or via the link at the top of this webpage.At the end of the book are the solutions to the exercises and transcriptions of the audiosIn addition, at the end of this volume are grammar explanations in English and Spanish for each topic
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    Bedtime Stories: Amazing Asian Tales from the Past
    Ahmed, Sufiya; Chan, Maisie; Rai, Bali; Sami, Annabelle; Mir, Saima; So, Cynthia; Waheed, Rekha; Shaid, Rebeka; Davies, Shae
    Scholastic, 2022, 160 Seiten, ISBN 9780702316012
    A beautiful, celebratory and joyful book of bedtime stories. Written and illustrated by creators with heritage from across the continent of Asia, Bedtime Stories showcases a curated collection of tales from Asian history, based on important figures and events. Each story is the ideal length to read at bedtime as well as any moment when young readers are looking for an inspirational read! Features one young reader's winning entry from the First News and Scholastic competition An empowering and celebratory gift Perfect for any child wanting to learn more about history's untold stories. Beautifully illustrated throughout with lovely twinkly foil highlights on the hardback cover Stories include those of: King Sejong the Great, a Korean King who invented an alphabet Julia Domna, a Syrian princess and Roman empress Margaret Lin Xavier, Thailand's first female doctor Sake Deen Mohammed, the Indian man who brought shampooing and curry to Britain. Written by: Sufiya Ahmed, Maisie Chan, Shae Davies, Saima Mir, Bali Rai, Annabelle Sami, Rebeka Shaid, Cynthia So and Rekha Waheed. Illustrated by: Ginnie Hsu, Aaliya Jaheel, Jocelyn Kao, Jennifer Khatun, Hannah Li, Debby Rahmalia, Abeeha Tariq, Kubra Teber, Tika and Tata and Amanda Yoshida.
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    Find King Sejong
    Jin, Kim
    Cheon Gaieui Baram, 2021, ISBN 9791165731847
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    Sejong Korean Conversation 2 Beginner

    King Sejong Institute Foundation, 2021, 2nd printing, 182 Seiten, ISBN 9791185872353
    A textbook developed for learners to understand Korean culture following their language proficiencySejong Korea Culture is a textbook to understand culture based on the relevant categories covered in the Sejong Korean, helping learners understand the country, its culture and eventually the general cultural aspects needed to learn the language. This book is designed for beginners in Korean to compare and experience Korean culture with those of their own countries from various aspects. Through such comparisons and experiences, learners are expected to improve the understanding of Korea and further build up the knowledge of cultural background needed to learn the language; this is a customized textbook for such purpose. It can be used at formal educational institutes including King Sejong Institute both as a regular textbook or a teaching aid. In addition it is a supplementary textbook that can be tailored for different learners as they want self-study to better understand Korean culture.? The very textbook for Korean culture at the King Sejong InstituteSejong Korean Culture is a textbook created by the King Sejong Institute, a provider of Korean language education to the people around the world specifically to teach Korean culture. The King Sejong Institute Foundation has developed it after designing and thoroughly examining the contents.? A textbook to learn Korean culture, customized for the language proficiency of learnersWhile this book is based on the cultural categories covered in Sejong Korean, it expands the cultural section that has been only a part of language education into an independent subject of education; thus learners can study Korean culture according to their Korean language proficiency, improving the understanding of the culture and the country.? A comprehensive textbook to learn culture, covering both traditional and contemporary aspectsWhen people say Korean culture, they tend to think of the categories of traditional culture. However, this book also addresses diverse contemporary aspects of Korean culture together with general aspects of real life in Korea for foreigners. By doing so, it can serve as a textbook to learn culture, promoting how Koreans actually live in this country to the world.
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    Sejong Korean 2 (Korean+English Version)

    Korean Book Services, 2021, 188 Seiten, ISBN 9791185872568
    Dieses Lehrbuch präsentiert interessante und systematische Lerninhalte zur Verbesserung der Kommunikationsfähigkeiten koreanischer Lernender und kulturelle Inhalte, die es ihnen ermöglichen, die koreanische Kultur umfassend zu erleben. Darüber hinaus enthält es verschiedene Inhalte zum ausgewogenen Erlernen von Kommunikationsaktivitäten und Sprachelementen, um die Sprachflüssigkeit und Genauigkeit gleichmäßig zu verbessern."Sejong Koreanisch 2" besteht aus 14 Einheiten und 4 kulturellen Einheiten, und jede Einheit enthält etwa 30 Wörter, sodass die Gesamtzahl der Wörter im Lehrbuch 392 beträgt. Das Vokabular, das sich auf das Thema und die Kommunikationsaktivitäten der Einheit bezieht, wurde basierend auf der Häufigkeit der Verwendung und dem Schwierigkeitsgrad ausgewählt. Es gibt zwei Grammatiken pro Einheit, und die Gesamtzahl der Grammatikelemente im Lehrbuch beträgt 28. Darüber hinaus ist die Kultureinheit so strukturiert, dass sie leicht in 10 Minuten in einer verwandten Einheit behandelt werden kann, die ein Thema teilt, oder als separate Einheit in Verbindung mit dem Nuri-King Sejong Institute studiert werden kann.
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    Jesus and the Forces of Death - The Gospels` Portrayal of Ritual Impurity within First-Century Judaism
    Thiessen, Matthew
    Baker Academic, Div of Baker Publishing Group, 2021, 254 Seiten, ISBN 9781540964878
    Named a Sejong Book of 2021, Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA)2020 Center for Biblical Studies Book Award (New Testament Runner-Up)"Utterly fresh and innovative, important both exegetically and ethically."--Paula Fredriksen, Review of Biblical LiteratureAlthough most people acknowledge that Jesus was a first-century Jew, interpreters of the Gospels often present him as opposed to Jewish law and customs--especially when considering his numerous encounters with the ritually impure. Matthew Thiessen corrects this popular misconception by placing Jesus within the Judaism of his day. Thiessen demonstrates that the Gospel writers depict Jesus opposing ritual impurity itself, not the Jewish ritual purity system or the Jewish law. This fresh interpretation of significant passages from the Gospels shows that throughout his life, Jesus destroys forces of death and impurity while upholding the Jewish law.
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    Sejong Korean Conversation 3 Intermediate

    Korean Book Services, 2020, 182 Seiten, ISBN 9788997134168
    A textbook developed for learners to understand Korean culture following their language proficiencySejong Korea Culture is a textbook to understand culture based on the relevant categories covered in the Sejong Korean, helping learners understand the country, its culture and eventually the general cultural aspects needed to learn the language. This book is designed for beginners in Korean to compare and experience Korean culture with those of their own countries from various aspects. Through such comparisons and experiences, learners are expected to improve the understanding of Korea and further build up the knowledge of cultural background needed to learn the language; this is a customized textbook for such purpose. It can be used at formal educational institutes including King Sejong Institute both as a regular textbook or a teaching aid. In addition it is a supplementary textbook that can be tailored for different learners as they want self-study to better understand Korean culture.? The very textbook for Korean culture at the King Sejong InstituteSejong Korean Culture is a textbook created by the King Sejong Institute, a provider of Korean language education to the people around the world specifically to teach Korean culture. The King Sejong Institute Foundation has developed it after designing and thoroughly examining the contents.? A textbook to learn Korean culture, customized for the language proficiency of learnersWhile this book is based on the cultural categories covered in Sejong Korean, it expands the cultural section that has been only a part of language education into an independent subject of education; thus learners can study Korean culture according to their Korean language proficiency, improving the understanding of the culture and the country.? A comprehensive textbook to learn culture, covering both traditional and contemporary aspectsWhen people say Korean culture, they tend to think of the categories of traditional culture. However, this book also addresses diverse contemporary aspects of Korean culture together with general aspects of real life in Korea for foreigners. By doing so, it can serve as a textbook to learn culture, promoting how Koreans actually live in this country to the world.
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    Sejong Korean Conversation 4 Intermediate

    Korean Book Services, 2020, 182 Seiten, ISBN 9788997134175
    A textbook developed for learners to understand Korean culture following their language proficiencySejong Korea Culture is a textbook to understand culture based on the relevant categories covered in the Sejong Korean, helping learners understand the country, its culture and eventually the general cultural aspects needed to learn the language. This book is designed for beginners in Korean to compare and experience Korean culture with those of their own countries from various aspects. Through such comparisons and experiences, learners are expected to improve the understanding of Korea and further build up the knowledge of cultural background needed to learn the language; this is a customized textbook for such purpose. It can be used at formal educational institutes including King Sejong Institute both as a regular textbook or a teaching aid. In addition it is a supplementary textbook that can be tailored for different learners as they want self-study to better understand Korean culture.? The very textbook for Korean culture at the King Sejong InstituteSejong Korean Culture is a textbook created by the King Sejong Institute, a provider of Korean language education to the people around the world specifically to teach Korean culture. The King Sejong Institute Foundation has developed it after designing and thoroughly examining the contents.? A textbook to learn Korean culture, customized for the language proficiency of learnersWhile this book is based on the cultural categories covered in Sejong Korean, it expands the cultural section that has been only a part of language education into an independent subject of education; thus learners can study Korean culture according to their Korean language proficiency, improving the understanding of the culture and the country.? A comprehensive textbook to learn culture, covering both traditional and contemporary aspectsWhen people say Korean culture, they tend to think of the categories of traditional culture. However, this book also addresses diverse contemporary aspects of Korean culture together with general aspects of real life in Korea for foreigners. By doing so, it can serve as a textbook to learn culture, promoting how Koreans actually live in this country to the world.
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    The Great and the Terrible
    O'Sullivan, Joanne
    Running Press Kids, 2020, 176 Seiten, ISBN 9780762496617
    We've heard of Alexander the Great. We've heard of Ivan the Terrible. But what was so Great about Alexander? What was so Terrible about Ivan? Spanning centuries of history in a culturally diverse framework-from ancient India to nineteenth-century Hawaii, and with a balanced focus on notorious women rulers as well as male, The Great and the Terrible takes a humorous look at some of the most glorious and notorious figures in history through the lens of the nicknames they're remembered by.While some of the characters mentioned here are more prominent in world history (Cyrus the Great introduced the world's first human rights charter), others are well known only within their own cultures. The Great and the Terrible gives middle-grade readers an opportunity to dip into the breadth of world history, sampling its cultural diversity and its stranger-than-fiction historical exploits, with a mix of the sensational and the serious. It helps to correct the imbalance in many history books that currently only focus on Western Civilization, shining the spotlight on achievements (and foibles) in many different cultures.The Great and the Terrible sketches portraits of each of 25 figures and their worlds, focusing on the sensational and the superlative in each of their fascinating stories.The list of rulers included are:* Alexander the Great* Hatshepsut* Cyrus the Great* Ashoka the Great* Empress Suiko* Pacal the Great* Good King Wenceslas* Sejong the Great* Askia the Great* Lorenzo the Magnificent* Sulyman the Magnificent* Nur Jahan* Good Queen Bess (Elizabeth I)* Nanyehi* Kamehameha the Great* Attila the Hun* Bad King John* Vlad the Impaler* Bloody Mary Tudor* Ivan the Terrible* Catherine De Medici* Mad Ibrahim I* Sultan Ismail the Bloodthirsty* Queen Ranavalona the Cruel* Mad King Ludwig
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    Sejong Korean 7

    Korean Book Services, 2019, 210 Seiten, ISBN 9791185872599
    This is the seventh volume in the Sejong Korean - Revised Edition series.Sejong Korean is a series of books with a communicative approach, with a variety of listening, writing, speaking and reading exercises. The audios of the book can be downloaded via a QR code located on the back cover of the book or via the link at the top of this webpage.At the end of the book are the solutions to the exercises and transcriptions of the audiosIn addition, at the end of this volume are grammar explanations in English and Spanish for each topic
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    Sejong Korean 8

    Korean Book Services, 2019, 210 Seiten, ISBN 9791185872605
    This is the eighth volume in the Sejong Korean - Revised Edition series.Sejong Korean is a series of books with a communicative approach, with a variety of listening, writing, speaking and reading exercises. The audios of the book can be downloaded via a QR code located on the back cover of the book or via the link at the top of this webpage.At the end of the book are the solutions to the exercises and transcriptions of the audiosIn addition, at the end of this volume are grammar explanations in English and Spanish for each topic
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    Die vier Jahreszeiten (Das musikalische Bilderbuch mit CD und zum Streamen)
    Simsa, Marko
    Annette Betz Verlag, 2017, 5. Auflage, 32 Seiten, ISBN 9783219117431
    Das wohl bekannteste Werk Antonio Vivaldis für Kinder aufbereitet Die kleine Katze Minka lebt in einem Dorf auf dem Bauernhof. Marko Simsa begleitet sie in einer neuen Geschichte durch ein ganzes Jahr: Er lauscht mit ihr - angelehnt an das berühmte Musikstück »Die vier Jahreszeiten« von Antonio Vivaldi - den vielen Stimmen und Geräuschen der Natur. Denn was Minka im Frühling, im Sommer, im Herbst und im Winter hört, hat Antonio Vivaldi in seinem Werk musikalisch wiedergegeben. Auf der beigefügten CD mit dem Konzert wird zusätzlich mit kurzen Tonbeispielen vor jeder Jahreszeit erläutert, an welchen Stellen wir Vogelstimmen, ein Gewitter, den Wind und vieles andere mehr in Vivaldis Musik erkennen können. Musik und Text auf CD Komponist: Antonio Vivaldi Orchester: Sejong - String Ensemble New York Violine: Cho-Liang Lin Sprecher: Marko Simsa Laufzeit: ca. 61 Minuten
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    A Frequency Dictionary of Korean
    Lee, Sun-Hee; Jang, Seok Bae; Seo, Sang Kyu
    Routledge, 2016, 1. Auflage, 358 Seiten, ISBN 9781138781795
    A Frequency Dictionary of Korean is an invaluable tool for all learners of Korean, providing a list of the 5000 most frequently used words in the language.Based on the Sejong National Corpora, the largest written and spoken corpora in Korean comprised of 10 million words collected from different genres, the Dictionary provides the user with detailed information for each of the entries, including illustrative examples and English translations.The Dictionary provides a rich resource for language teaching and curriculum design, while former CD content is now available to access at www.routledge.com/9781138781818 as support material to provide the full text in a tab-delimited format ideally suited for use by corpus and computational linguists.With entries arranged both by frequency and alphabetically, A Frequency Dictionary of Korean enables students of all levels to get the most out of their study of vocabulary in an engaging and efficient way.
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