Isolated Islands in Medieval Nature, Culture and Mind / ed. by Gerhard Jaritz

Focuses specifically on the concept and role of islands in the medieval world. The main characteristic of an island is, of course, that of being isolated from the rest of the world; in geography by waters, in more abstract and symbolic meanings by other kinds of separating borders. Islands were the place 'on the other side', of difference, otherness and remoteness. As one of the articles in this volume puts it, islands are often depicted "as sites for extraordinary events and happenings"

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Beteiligte Person(en) Elphinstone, Margaret, Heide, Eldar, Jakobsen, Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig, Jaritz, Gerhard (herausgegeben von), Jørgensen, Torstein, Kreem, Juhan, Mundal, Else, Nielsen, Torben Kjersgaard, Schmieder, Felicitas, Thorvaldsen, Bernt Øyvind, Zilmer, Kristel
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Budapest ; New York : Central European University Press , 2022
Umfang1 online resource (152 p.)
De Gruyter E-Books EBA bis 31.12.2026 (ZDB-23-DGG-eba)
De Gruyter E-Books EBA bis 31.12.2026 (ZDB-23-DGG-eba)
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