The Antitrust Paradigm : Restoring a Competitive Economy / Jonathan B. Baker
At a time when tech giants have amassed vast market power, Jonathan Baker shows how laws and regulations can be updated to ensure more competition. The sooner courts and antitrust enforcement agencies stop listening to the Chicago school and start paying attention to modern economics, the sooner Americans will reap the benefits of competition
Gespeichert in:
Person | |
Ort, Verlag, Jahr |
Cambridge, MA
: Harvard University Press
, 2019
Umfang | 1 online resource (310 p.) |
ISBN | 9780674238947 |
Sprache | Englisch |
Online-Zugang | Cover De Gruyter E-Books EBA bis 31.12.2026 (ZDB-23-DGG-eba) De Gruyter E-Books EBA bis 31.12.2026 (ZDB-23-DGG-eba) |
Persistente URL | |
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