Acoustic Technologies in Biology and Medicine

This book is a cornerstone reference bridging the rapidly advancing acoustic technologies with state-of-the-art applications in biology and medicine.

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Beteiligte Person(en) Becker, Ryan (herausgegeben von), Huang, Tony Jun (herausgegeben von), Ozcelik, Adem (herausgegeben von)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr WILEY-VCH , 2023
Umfang400 Seiten : 900 gr
Zusatzinfo1: Fundamentals of acoustic wave generation and propagation ; 2: Basic theories and physics of acoustic technologies ; 3: Materials for acoustic wave generation and modulation ; 4: Ultrasound imaging ; 5: Photoacoustic imaging and sensing for biomedical applications ; 6: Therapeutic ultrasound ; 7: Application of ultrasound responsive reagents for drug delivery systems ; 8: Acoustic levitation and acoustic holograms ; 9: Application of ultrasonic waves in bioparticle manipulation and separation ; 10: Acoustic Biosensors ; 11: Acoustic micro and nanorobots in medicine ;
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Physik (17), Fachbibliothek UHG-I, E1

Standort Physik (17), Fachbibliothek UHG-I, E1
Mediennummer n/a
Leihfrist 30 Tage
Status BestelltVoraussichtliches Eintreffen: 08-12-2024
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