Clinical Laboratory Management / / Lynne Shore Garcia [and nine others], editors.

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Beteiligte Person(en) Garcia, Lynne Shore (herausgegeben von)
AusgabeThird edition.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 2024
Umfang1 online resource (813 pages)
ZusatzinfoCover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Contributors -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Section I Basic Concepts and the Current Healthcare Environment (section editor: Donald S. Karcher) -- Chapter 1 Clinical Laboratory Management: Basic Principles and Practices -- Management, Leadership, and Administration -- A Brief History of Management Concepts -- Classical Theory -- Behavioral Theory -- Quantitative Theory -- Operations Management and the Integrated Theory -- Decision Making and Problem Solving -- What Is Decision Making? -- Types of Decisions -- Individual versus Group Decision Making -- The Problem-Solving/Decision-Making Process -- Management Functions -- Planning -- Organizing -- Directing -- Controlling -- Summary -- The Evolving Models of Clinical Laboratories -- Centralized Testing -- Decentralized Testing -- The Basics of Financial Management -- Costs -- Revenue -- Gross versus Net Revenue -- Medicare -- Managed Care -- Budgeting -- Operating Budget -- Capital Budget -- Revenue Cycle: Billing and Collecting -- A Brief History of Clinical Laboratory Finances -- Management Ethics -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- GLOSSARY -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES -- APPENDIX -- Appendix 1.1 Laboratory Strategic Plan -- Appendix 1.2 Laboratory Organizational Chart -- Chapter 2 Regulatory Issues in Laboratory Medicine -- Introduction -- Brief History of Regulation of the Clinical Laboratory -- Department of Health and Human Services and CLIA -- FDA and Medical Devices -- Overview of the Current Clinical Laboratory Regulatory Environment -- CLIA and the Regulation of Quality -- CLIA Framework -- Quality Control -- Accreditation and Licensure -- Laboratory Inspection and Accreditation -- Personnel Certification and Licensure -- FDA Regulation of In Vitro Diagnostic Tests -- Current Overview -- Laboratory-Developed Tests.
Regulations Affecting Transfusion Medicine -- Introduction -- Framework of FDA Regulations -- Blood Collection and Component Production -- Transfusion Services -- Reporting Requirements -- Cellular Therapies -- Current and Future Regulatory Challenges -- Clinical Laboratory Workplace Safety -- Risk Assessments -- Chemical Hazards -- Biological Hazards -- Other Infectious Hazards -- Transportation of Clinical Specimens -- Physical Hazards -- Additional Safety Regulatory Resources -- Overview of Laboratory Reimbursement Regulation -- U.S. Healthcare -- Medicare -- Pathology and Laboratory Services in Medicare -- Claims Processing -- Reimbursement for Physician Services -- Laboratory Test Reimbursement -- Patient Privacy: HIPAA and Related Regulations -- HIPAA Introduction -- Protected Health Information -- Patient Informed Rights -- Consent and Authorization -- Privacy Rule -- Security Rule -- HITECH and Omnibus Rule -- Breach Notification Rule -- Enforcement Rule -- Current Topics in HIPAA Compliance -- Summary of Laboratory Responsibilities -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- GLOSSARY -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 3 The Changing Practice of Medicine -- Introduction -- Staffing Shortages -- Pathology Pipeline -- Consolidation of Hospital Systems, Hospitals, and Physician Practices -- Health Disparities -- The Impact of Technology -- Electronic Health Records -- Patient Access to Information: Recent Changes to the HIPAA Rules -- Molecular Testing -- Stewardship of Limited Resources -- Supply Chain Instability -- Laboratory Utilization -- Blood Products -- Medicolegal Issues -- Malpractice Pre-COVID-19 -- Malpractice in the Age of COVID-19 -- Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act -- Climate of Medical Training -- Trainee and Physician Well-Being -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- GLOSSARY -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES.
Chapter 4 The Changing Healthcare Environment -- Introduction -- Changing Provider Payment Models -- Overview of Reimbursement Methods -- Types of Managed Care Organizations -- Managed Care and the Clinical Laboratory -- Impact of Healthcare Reform -- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- Payment Reform and Provider Reimbursement Strategies -- Medicare Shared Savings Program -- Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) -- Other Payment Reforms -- Hospitals and Laboratories: Concerns in Healthcare Reform -- The Changing Legal Environment -- HIPAA -- False Claims Act -- Technological Advances -- Changing Testing Modalities -- Pathology Informatics -- Meaningful and Relevant Information -- Impact of Bioinformatics on Pathology -- Direct Consumer Access -- Direct Access Testing -- Direct-to-Consumer Testing -- Consolidation in the Healthcare Industry -- Consolidation of Practices -- Integrated Delivery Systems -- Internal Consolidation in Hospital Laboratories -- Regional Integrated Laboratory Networks -- STRATEGIES FOR FUTURE SUCCESS -- Strategic Redesign -- Supply Chain -- Laboratory Design -- Developing System-Wide Thinking and a Common Culture -- Training Adequate, High-Quality Laboratory Professionals for the Future Workforce -- Pathologist Shortage -- Moving from Top-Down Management to Bottom-Up Customer Focus -- Evidence-Based Medicine -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- GLOSSARY -- REFERENCES -- Section II Managerial Leadership (section editor: Deirdre L. Church) -- Chapter 5 The Foundations of Leadership -- Introduction -- Distinguishing Management from Leadership -- What Is "Leadership" and How Do You Become a Leader? -- Management -- Leadership -- The First Foundational Factor Is Integrity -- The Definition of Integrity -- Honoring Your Word -- The Pitfalls in Honoring Your Word -- What Is Your Word? -- What Is the Current State of Your Word?.
Trust and Its Relationship to Honoring Your Word -- Preparation for Making a Commitment or Giving Your Word -- The Second Foundational Factor Is Authenticity -- The Definition of Authentic -- Knowing Yourself -- How Do You Respond in Various Situations? -- The Importance of Context -- The Path to Authenticity -- The Third Foundational Factor Is Commitment to Something Bigger than Yourself -- Succeeding as a Leader -- What Happens Next? -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES -- APPENDIX -- APPENDIX 5.1 Resources -- APPENDIX 5.2 Further Information -- Chapter 6 Employee Needs -- Introduction -- Definitions and Background -- Special Challenges from the Pandemic -- Strategies for Assessing and Reducing Burnout -- Additional Trends and Needs of Laboratory Employees -- The Role of Generational Differences -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- GLOSSARY -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 7 Motivating through Intelligent Leadership -- What Is Motivation? -- Leadership as a Conduit of Motivation -- Knowledge of Self -- Creating the Vision -- Humility -- Work-Life Balance and Basic Needs -- Knowing What Others See in You -- Factors of Motivation -- The Right People Need the Right Leader -- Actually Fix the Problems -- Knowing the Emotions of Leading -- Emotional Intelligence -- The Need for Purpose -- Human Motivation Theory -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- GLOSSARY -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 8 Effective Communication -- Introduction -- Channels of Communication -- Formal Channels of Communication -- Informal Channels of Communication -- Types of Communication -- Oral Communication -- Telephone Communication -- Written Communication -- Online Presentations -- Electronic Communication -- Visual Communication -- Body Language and Other Nonverbal Communication -- Barriers to Effective Communication -- Physical Barriers -- Nonverbal Barriers.
Verbal Barriers -- Psychological Barriers -- The Importance of Listening -- Effective Listening -- Ineffective Listening -- Stages of Listening -- Types of Listening -- Elements of Effective Face-to-Face Communication -- Skills for Effective Face-to-Face Communication -- Organizational Climate -- Using Body Language -- Using Positive Language -- Leadership Essentials for Improving Communication -- The Interaction Process -- Adapting Communication Styles -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- GLOSSARY -- ACKNOWLEDGMENT -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 9 Effective Meetings -- Introduction -- Things To Do before a Meeting -- Determine If There Is a Need for a Meeting -- Determine What Type of Meeting Is Needed -- Develop the Agenda -- Use of the Consent Agenda -- Determine Whom To Invite to the Meeting -- Determine the Venue of the Meeting -- Determine the Technology/Equipment Required for the Success of the Meeting -- Things To Do during a Meeting -- Things To Do after a Meeting -- Calculating the Cost of a Meeting -- Recurrent Meetings -- How To Be an Effective Participant in a Meeting -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- GLOSSARY -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 10 Conflict Management -- Conflict Is Natural and Inevitable -- Origins of Conflict -- Conflict Resolution Styles -- Conflict Management -- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Considerations -- When Conflict Resolution Fails -- What the Organization Can Do -- SUMMARY -- KEY POINTS -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 11 Leading People Through Change in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine -- Introduction -- The Case for Change Management -- Definition of Change -- The Psychology of Change -- Why Change Management Is Important -- Sources of Change -- The Need for Change -- Models of Change Management -- The Kotter Model -- The ADKAR Model -- Supporting Laboratory Staff Through Change -- Actions Leading to Successful Change -- Managing Resistance.
Auditing and Reinforcing the Change.
Serie/ReiheASM bookshelf series.
Online-ZugangWiley Online Library EBS 2024

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