Geschlechtlichkeit und Pädagogisches Handlungswissen :

How is gender perceived, communicated and shaped by teachers? The study is dedicated to dealing with gender in the field of school from a power-critical perspective. For this purpose, the concept of gender fiction is developed theoretically and tested reconstructively-empirically on the basis of photo group discussions with teachers. At the end, the plea is made for the pluralisation of gender fictions in teacher education to expand the professional-pedagogical repertoire of action.

Gespeichert in:
Elektronisch E-Book
Bibliographische Detailangaben
ParalleltitelGeschlechtlichkeit und pädagogisches Handlungswissen
Person Carnap, Anna
Ausgabe1st ed.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Leverkusen-Opladen : Verlag Barbara Budrich , 2022
Umfang1 electronic resource (261 p.)
Serie/ReiheSchriftenreihe der DGfE-Kommission Qualitative Bildungs- und Biographieforschung Series
Online-ZugangUTB Scholars EBS 2024

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