Antitrust and the multivalued function of competition / / Luiz Felipe Rosa Ramos.
Gespeichert in:
Person | |
Ausgabe | 1st ed. |
Ort, Verlag, Jahr |
Baden-Baden, Germany
: Hart Publishing : Nomos
, 2021
Umfang | 1 online resource (306 pages) |
ISBN | 3-7489-2703-7 |
Sprache | Englisch |
Zusatzinfo | Cover -- I - ANTITRUST GOALS AND COMPETITION -- i.i. Three snapshots of the "Antitrust Goals" debate -- i.i.i. Antitrust goals in the origins of antitrust -- i.i.ii. A "paradox", a "windy city" and a meaning of "competition" -- i.i.iii. A contemporary debate -- i.ii. Antitrust and competition in Brazilian legal discourse -- i.ii.i. Is there an antitrust dogmatics? Three challenges -- i.ii.ii. Goals and competition in Brazilian antitrust doctrine. -- i.ii.iii. Goals and competition in CADE's case law -- i.iii. "External" sources -- i.iii.i. Wealth maximization: from political philosophy to economic analysis -- i.iii.ii. Scarcity: from economic analysis to law and economics -- i.iii.iii. Competition: from law and economics to law and society -- II - COMPETITION AS A SOCIAL FORM -- ii.i. A concurrent discourse about competition -- ii.i.i. Classics of political economy and pioneers of a sociology of competition -- ii.i.ii. The 1940s: one "missing link" and two influential works -- ii.i.iii. The last forty years: sociological approaches to economics -- ii.ii. Competition in the Brazilian social thought -- ii.ii.i. Since colonial times? monopolies and the "other side" -- ii.ii.ii. The phenomenon of competition: a "myth" in the tropics? -- ii.ii.iii. Social forms in Brazilian self-descriptions -- ii.iii. Functional method and triadic competition -- ii.iii.i. Causality, functional approach and systems theory -- ii.iii.ii. From the environment's structure to the multivalued function -- ii.iii.iii. Triadic competition, indirect audience and the Brazilian mirror -- III - BRINGING COMPETITION TO ANTITRUST -- iii.i. Three cases: bread, hospital and taxes -- iii.i.i. Collusion and triadic competition -- iii.i.ii. Mergers and intermediates -- iii.i.iii. Exclusionary conduct and the state-third -- iii.ii. Theoretical implications. iii.ii.i. For antitrust: protecting competitive behavior beyond psychology -- iii.ii.ii. For legal doctrine: producing socially adequate differences -- iii.ii.iii. For legal sociology: the laughing third in nobody's land -- FINAL REMARKS -- REFERENCES -- ANTITRUST CASES -- INSTITUTIONAL MATERIAL -- DICTIONARIES -- REPORTS -- ARTICLES AND BOOKS. |
Serie/Reihe | Recht und Gesellschaft ; ; 14. |
Online-Zugang | Nomos EBS 2024 |
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