Laboratory of Modernity : Ukraine Between Empire and Nation, 1772-1914 / Serhiy Bilenky.

Laboratory of Modernity is a history of Ukraine during the long nineteenth century, providing a unique study of its pluralistic society, culture, and political scene. In this first comprehensive study of nineteenth-century Ukraine in English, Serhiy Bilenky traces the historical origins of some of the pressing issues facing Ukraine and the international community today.

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Elektronisch E-Book
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person Bilenʹkyĭ, Serhiĭ (verfasst von)
AusgabeFirst edition.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Montreal, Quebec : Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies , 2023
Umfang1 online resource (625 pages)
ZusatzinfoFront Matter -- , Contents -- , Tables -- , What Can Ukraine Teach Us about the Modern World? -- , Ukraine, 1772-1831 -- , Between Two Empires -- , From Enlightenment to Romanticism -- , Ukraine, 1831-1876 -- , The Age of Romantic Nationalism -- , The Age of Reforms -- , The Empire Strikes Back -- , Ukraine, 1876-1914 -- , Galician Exceptionalism -- , New Society, Old Empire -- , Politics and Culture between Empire and Nation -- , Timeline -- , Notes -- , Bibliographic Essay -- , Index
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