Winemaking / editors V.K. Joshi, Ramesh C. Ray

"The critical appraisal of the books on Wine Making: Basics and Applied aspects would clearly reveal that the most of these books are either popular books or focus on some specific aspects.Some of the outstanding books like that of Amerine et al.(1980) cover the fundamentals leaving little scope for the readers o know the latest in the field. The same is true of the books which focus on the advances only. Here an attemptis ade to cover some basicaspects as well as the advance topics like wine fermentation microbiome Many claims about the health benefits of wines are made without documenting the medical reports or those studies carried out in scientific and authentic manner .In the proposed MSS the composition, nutritional values, the therapeutic significance, the healthful details and toxicological aspects of wine would be examined critically. The chapter would have a number of references, illustrative material written by experts of the subject matter, so all these aspects would be brought forward for the reader to judge and decide. All relevant issues including safety ,toxicological and consumer perceptibility would be made an integral part of the chapter"--

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
ParalleltitelWine making
Beteiligte Person(en) Joshi, V. K. 1955- (herausgegeben von), Ray, Ramesh C. 1955- (herausgegeben von)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Boca Raton ; London ; New York : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group , 2021
Umfang1 Online-Ressource (734 Seiten)
ZusatzinfoIncludes bibliographical references and index
Online-ZugangEbook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles
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