Multidisciplinary perspectives on representational pluralism in human cognition : tracing points of convergence in psychology, philosophy of science, and science education / edited by Michel Bélanger, Patrice Potvin, Stephen Horst, Andrew Shtulman, and Eduardo F. Mortimer

"Bringing together diverse theoretical and empirical contributions from the fields of social and cognitive psychology, philosophy, and science education, this volume explores representational pluralism as a phenomenon characteristic of human cognition. Building on these disciplines' shared interest in understanding human thought, perception, and conceptual change, the volume illustrates how representational plurality can be conducive to research and practice in varied fields. Particular care is taken to emphasize points of convergence and the value of sharing discourses, models, justifications, and theories of pluralism across disciplines. The editors give ample space for philosophers, cognitive scientists and educators to explicate the history and current status of representational pluralism in their own disciplines. Using multiple forms of research from the relational perspective, this volume will be of interest to students, scholars and researchers with an interest in cognitive psychology, as well as educational psychology and philosophy of science"--

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Beteiligte Person(en) Bélanger, Michel (herausgegeben von)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr New York : Routledge , 2023
Umfangxii, 313 Seiten : Illustrationen
ZusatzinfoIncludes bibliographical references and index
Andere AusgabenErscheint auch als: Multidisciplinary perspectives on representational pluralism in human cognition. New York, NY : Routledge, 2022
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Psychologie (16), Fachbibliothek UHG-II, T1

Standort Psychologie (16), Fachbibliothek UHG-II, T1
Signatur BK650 M9P4R (Mehr zum Thema)
Mediennummer UBBI-00044491
Leihfrist 30 Tage
Status Verfügbar
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