Driving modernity : technology, experts, politics, and fascist motorways, 1922-1943 / Massimo Moraglio ; translated from Italian by Erin O'Loughlin.

On March 26th, 1923, in a formal ceremony, construction of the Milan–Alpine Lakes autostrada officially began, the preliminary step toward what would become the first European motorway. That Benito Mussolini himself participated in the festivities indicates just how important the project was to Italian Fascism. This book recounts the twisting fortunes of the autostrada, which—alongside railways, aviation, and other forms of mobility—Italian authorities hoped would spread an ideology of technological nationalism. It explains how Italy ultimately failed to realize its mammoth infrastructural vision, addressing the political and social conditions that made a coherent plan of development impossible.

Gespeichert in:
Elektronisch E-Book
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person Moraglio, Massimo (verfasst von)
Beteiligte Person(en) O'Loughlin, Erin (übersetzt von)
InstitutionKnowledge Unlatched
Ausgabe1st ed.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr New York : Berghahn Books , 2017
Berghahn Books
Umfang1 online resource (xiii, 194 pages) : : illustrations, maps; digital, PDF file(s).
Also available in print form.
Zusatzinfo"Originally published: Storia delle prime autostrade italiane (1922-1943) in 2007 by Nuova Trauben Edizioni, Turin."--title page verso.
ZusatzinfoIntroduction --chapter 1. The roads before motorways --chapter 2. 1922: the motorway from Milan to the Prealpine Lakes --chapter 3. Motorway mania in Italy in the 1920s --chapter 4. The ordinary roads problem --chapter 5. From the Pedemontana project to the Construction Suspension --chapter 6. A case study: the Turin-Milan motorway --chapter 7. The 1930s: the European utopia and the nationalist fulfilment --chapter 8. The bankruptcy and legacy of the motorways --Conclusion.
Serie/ReiheExplorations in mobility ; ; 3.
Online-ZugangKnowledge Unlatched : KU Select 2016

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