Who or What Is God? (Books 8-9)

Of all the Roman philosophers, Augustine felt the most kinship with the Platonists, who had developed a transcendent view of God. Where they fell short, he believed, was in imagining God as a distant being, uninterested in material reality. For Augustine, God is immediate and accessible, as he argues in Books 8 and 9.

Gespeichert in:
Elektronisch Video
Bibliographische Detailangaben
InstitutionThe Great Courses (Firm),
Kanopy (Firm),
Ort, Verlag, Jahr San Francisco, California, USA : The Great Courses , 2016
Kanopy Streaming , 2018
Umfang1 online resource (streaming video file) (33 minutes): : digital, .flv file, sound
ZusatzinfoTitle from title frames.
In Process Record.
ZusatzinfoCharles Mathewes
ZusatzinfoOriginally produced by The Great Courses in 2016.
ZusatzinfoIn English
Online-ZugangA Kanopy streaming video

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