Ballast water management : combating aquatic invaders / Emily G. O'Sullivan, editor.

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Beteiligte Person(en) O'Sullivan, Emily G.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Hauppauge, N.Y. : Nova Science Publishers , 2010
Umfang1 online resource (186 p.)
ZusatzinfoDescription based upon print version of record.
ZusatzinfoBallast water management to combat invasive species / Eugene H. Buck -- Regulating ballast water discharges: legislative issues in the 110th Congress / Claudia Copeland -- Current state of understanding about the effectiveness of ballast water exchange (BWE) in reducing aquatic nonindigenous species (ANS) introductions to the Great Lakes Basin and Chesapeake Bay, USA: synthesis and analysis of existing information / Gregory M. Ruiz, David F. Reid, and others -- Conversion of specific gravity to salinity for ballast water regulatory management / David F. Reid.
Serie/ReiheWater resource planning, development and management series.
Online-ZugangEBSCO EBS 2024

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