How coaching works : the essential guide to the history and practice of effective coaching / Joseph O'Connor and Andrea Lages.
Coaching is very big business. Over the last decade it has become one of the most popular approaches to personal and business development. Coaching books tend to focus on just one method, and just one of five main areas: Executive coaching (for senior business people); Business coaching (for companies to improve results); Life coaching (for people who want a better sense of fulfilment and wellbeing); Sports coaching (for individual athletes); Team coaching (for teams in sport or business). Pragmatic and informative, How Coaching Works is the first to explain the key concepts that underpin all
Gespeichert in:
Person(en) | , |
Ort, Verlag, Jahr |
London, England
: A & C Black
, 2007
Umfang | 1 online resource (418 p.) |
ISBN | 9781408109861 1408109867 |
Sprache | Englisch |
Zusatzinfo | Description based upon print version of record. |
Zusatzinfo | Cover Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; Part One; 1 Coaching on the Edge of Chaos; 2 The History of Coaching: The People; 3 The History of Coaching: The Times; Coaching for Development: Integrated Mental Training and Positive Psychology by Lars-Eric Uneståhl; Part Two; 1 Coaching in Europe and the United States: The Inner Game, GROW and Coactive Coaching; Reflection on Coaching by John Whitmore; 2 Integral Coaching; 3 NLP Coaching; NLP and Coaching with a Capital 'C' by Robert Dilts; 4 Positive Psychology Coaching From Clinical to Positive Psychology: My Journey to Coaching by Carol Kauffman5 Behavioural Coaching; 6 Ontological Coaching; Interview with Fernando Flores; 7 An Integrated Model; Part Three; 1 Measuring the Results of Coaching; Reflections on Coaching Psychology by Anthony M. Grant; 2 Developmental Coaching; 3 Post-modern Coaching; Part Four; The Future; Appendix; Bibliography; About the Authors |
Zusatzinfo | English |
Online-Zugang | EBSCO EBS 2025 |
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