Mussolini's Children : Race and Elementary Education in Fascist Italy / Eden K. McLean.

""Mussolini's Children" uses modern theories of race and biopolitics and the lens of state-mandated youth culture--elementary education and the auxiliary organizations designed to mold the minds and bodies of Italy's children between the ages of five and eleven--to understand the evolution of Fascist racism"--

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Elektronisch E-Book
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person McLean, Eden K. (verfasst von)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press , 2018
Umfang1 online resource
ZusatzinfoIntroduction -- Defining Fascist power and identity, 1922-29 -- Designing a Fascist elementary education -- "Reawakening the spirit" -- "Fascistizing" the nation and race, 1929-34 -- From instruction to education -- From fit to Fascist -- Resurrecting the Roman Empire, 1934-38 -- "Libro e moschetto, fascista perfetto," 1934-36 -- Educating rulers for the second Roman Empire, 1936-38 -- Ensuring the empire's immortality, 1938-40 -- Enforcing the racial ideal -- Enduring principles of Italian racial identity -- Conclusion.
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