Queering tourism : paradoxical performances at gay pride parades / Lynda Johnston.

Gay Pride parades are annual arenas of queer public culture, where embodied notions of subjectivity are sold, enacted, transgressed and debated.From Sydney to Rome, Queering Tourism analyses the paradoxes of gay pride parades as tourist events, exploring how the public display of queer bodies - the way they look, what they do, who watches them, and under what regulations - is profoundly important in constructing sexualized subjectivities of bodies and cities. Drawing on extensive collections of interviews, visuals and written media accounts, photographs, advertisement

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person Johnston, Lynda, 1964-
Ausgabe1st ed.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr London ; New York : Routledge , 2005
Umfang1 online resource (161 p.)
ZusatzinfoDescription based upon print version of record.
ZusatzinfoHalf Title: Queering Tourism; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Figures; Acknowledgements; 1 Proud beginnings; 2 Queer(y)ing tourism knowledges; 3 Bodies; 4 Street scenes; 5 Sex in the suburbs or the CBD?; 6 Cities as sites of queer consumption; 7 Paradoxical endings; References; Index
Serie/ReiheRoutledge studies in human geography ; ; 11.
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