Computing with Mathematica / / Hartmut F.W. Hoft, Margret Hoft.

Computing with Mathematica, 2nd edition is engaging and interactive. It is designed to teach readers how to use Mathematica efficiently for solving problems arising in fields such as mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. The text moves from simple to complex, often following a specific example on a number of different levels. This gradual increase incomplexity allows readers to steadily build their competence without being overwhelmed. The 2nd edition of this acclaimed book features:* An enclosed CD for Mac and Windows that contains the entire text as

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Person Hoft, Hartmut F. W.
Beteiligte Person(en) Hoft, Margret
Ausgabe2nd ed.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Amsterdam ; Boston : Academic Press , 2003
Umfang1 online resource (332 p.)
ZusatzinfoDescription based upon print version of record.
ZusatzinfoCover; Contents; Preface; Part I: Learning the Basics; Chapter 1.Mathematica Basics: An Introduction; Introduction; Arithmetic; Mathematical Functions; Symbolic Computations; Exact and Approximate Solutions for Equations; Graphs of Functions of One Variable; Graphs of Parametric Equations; Graphs of Surfaces in Three Dimensions; Graphs of Contour Curves for Surfaces; Matrix Algebra; Random Numbers; Exercises; Chapter 2. Mathematica Basics: Help; Introduction; The ? and ?? Operators; The Help Browser; Interrupting Mathematica Computations; Memory Management in Mathematica; Exercises
Chapter 3. Mathematica Basics: NotebooksIntroduction; Notebook Toolbars; Format Preferences; Page Break Preferences; Cell Groupings; Tag Names; Links; In/Out Names; Hyperlinks to Documentation; Exercises; Chapter 4. Mathematica Basics: Text and Typesetting; Introduction; The BasicTypesetting and CompleteCharacters Palettes; Algebraic Manipulation Palette; Basic Input Palette; Basic Calculations Palette; Exercises; Chapter 5.Mathematica Basics: Packages; Introduction; Loading Standard Packages; Forgetting to Load a Package; Exercises; Part II: Designing Functions
Chapter 6.Values, Variables, and AssignmentsIntroduction; The Immediate Assignment Operator = for Values; The Delayed Assignment Operator := for Functions; Evaluation Issues for the Immediate and Delayed Assignment Operators; Computational Efficiency and the Assignment Operators; Exercises; Chapter 7.Functions; Introduction; Functions with a Single Argument; Functions with Several Arguments; Functions with Structured Arguments; Functions with Default Values for Arguments; Functions with a Varying Number of Arguments; Exercises; Chapter 8.Recursive Definitions; Introduction
Functions with a Single Recursive ArgumentFunctions with Several Recursive Arguments; Limitations to Recursive Computations; Exercises; Chapter 9.Substitution Rules and Optional Arguments; Introduction; Substitution Rules and the Replacement Mechanism; Substitution Rules and Interactive Computations; Options for Built-in Functions; Defining an Option for a Function; Exercises; Chapter 10.Four Spheres Packing Problem; Introduction; Analysis of the Problem; Computational Solution of the Problem; Graphic Rendering of the Solution; Exercises; Part III: Designing Programs
Chapter 11.List Processing FunctionsIntroduction; Processing Lists with the Map[ ] Function; Applications of the Map[ ] Function to Graphics Objects; List Manipulation, Element Extraction, and the Fold[ ] Function; The Functions Head[ ], Apply[ ], Outer[ ], Depth[ ], and Position[ ]; Exercises; Chapter 12.Iterations with Loops; Introduction; Using the Do[ ] Loop: Basics; Using the Do[ ] Loop: A Hula Hoop Animation; Using the While[ ] Loop: Basics; Using the While[ ] Loop: Termination Conditions and the Bisection Method; Using the For[ ] Loop: Basics
Using List Processing Functions as Alternatives for Loops
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