Australian Wine Vintages 2019.

Australian Wine Vintages is the longest running wine guide in Australia. First published in 1979, it has been much imitated but never beaten. This pioneering work has made fine Australian Wine accessible to generations of drinkers through the simple and clear layout. It states what is good, when to drink it and what the wine is worth.The author Rob Geddes MW (Master of Wine) has been responsible for this publication since the 25th edition. He and his tasting team bring new energy and accuracy to this Australian classic.Says Rob, 'I am proud that our scores correlate very strongly to the scores given by judges in wine shows.' However, it is not just about the points. 'Our tasting panel of extremely experienced judges, plus our experience with consumer wine events means we are able to understand consumers and suggest wines that will be interesting to them as well.'.

Gespeichert in:
Elektronisch E-Book
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Paralleltitel2018 Australian Wine Vintages
Person Geddes, Robert
Ausgabe36th ed.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Sydney : Geddes a Drink Publications Pty, Limited , 2018
Umfang1 online resource (675 pages)
ZusatzinfoIntro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- New this Year -- Introduction -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- How to use this Book -- Top 100 -- Gold Star Wines -- Top 10 Wines for Every Budget -- Biodynamic and Organic Producers -- Australia and New Zealand Vintages -- Tasting Terms -- A quick Guide to Varieties and Regions -- Wine Zones and Regions -- Personal Notes -- Back Cover.
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