Roads and ruins : the symbolic landscape of fascist Rome / Paul Baxa.

Drawing on a wide variety of sources, including war diaries, memoirs, paintings, films, and government archives, Roads and Ruins is a richly textured study that offers an original perspective on a well known story.

Gespeichert in:
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person Baxa, Paul, 1968- (verfasst von)
Ausgabe1st ed.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Toronto, [Ontario] ; Buffalo, [New York] ; London, [England] : University of Toronto Press , 2010
Umfang1 online resource (249 p.)
Issued also in print.
ZusatzinfoDescription based upon print version of record.
ZusatzinfoIntroduction: Rome and fascism -- The landscape of the war -- Roads to Rome: the Blackshirts and the città nemico -- Demolitions: de-familiarizing the Roman cityscape -- 'An uninterrupted racecourse': fascism's Roman roads -- The palazzo and the boulevard -- Resurrecting a pagan landscape -- Return of the Roman -- Conclusion: the cinematic city.
Serie/ReiheToronto Italian studies.
Online-ZugangEBSCO EBS 2024

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