Representing perpetrators in Holocaust literature and film / / edited by Jenni Adams and Sue Vice.
Gespeichert in:
Beteiligte Person(en) | , |
Ort, Verlag, Jahr |
London, UK ; Portland, Ore.
: Vallentine Mitchell
, 2013
Umfang | xxiii, 261 p. |
ISBN | 0-85303-896-1 |
Sprache | Englisch |
Zusatzinfo | Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph |
Zusatzinfo | Violence, aesthetics, complicity. Avoiding evil in perpetrator fiction / Robert Eaglestone ; reading (as) violence in Jonathan Littell's The kindly ones / Jenni Adams ; Claude Lanzmann's Einsatzgruppen interviews / Sue Vice ; Screening women's complicity in the Holocaust : the problems of judgement and representation / Adam Brown -- Representation and understanding. The perpetrator occult : Francis Bacon paints Adolf Eichmann / Lyndsey Stonebridge ; The modern Haman : ghetto diary writer's understanding of Holocaust perpetrators / Amy Simon ; Reading the female perpetrator / Antonly Rowland -- Politics, form and genre. Downfall : the Nazi genocide as a natural disaster / Matthew Boswell ; 'Repetition, boredom, despair' : Muriel Spark and the Eichmann trial / James Bailey ; The prisoner (1952) and the perpetrator in early post-war British television / James Jordan -- Memories, sites and contexts. Visualising 'everyday' evil : the representation of Nazi perpetrators in German memorial sites / Caroline Pearce ; 'We shall be punished' : positionality and postmemory in Rachel Seiffert's The dark room and Uwe Timm's In my brother's shadow / Christine Berberich ; Bruce Chatwin, W.G. Sebald and the red-brown skin / Laurence Piercy ; Perpetration, guilt and cross-genre representation in Ari Folman's Waltz with Bashir / Eleanor Kent. |
Zusatzinfo | English |
Online-Zugang | EBSCO EBS 2025 |
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