From Kant to Croce : modern philosophy in Italy, 1800-1950 / edited and translated with an introduction by Brian Copenhaver and Rebecca Copenhaver.

From Kant to Croce is a comprehensive, highly readable history of the main currents and major figures of modern Italian philosophy, described in a substantial introduction that details the development of the discipline from 1800 to 1950.

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Beteiligte Person(en) Copenhaver, Brian P. (herausgegeben von, übersetzt von), Copenhaver, Rebecca, 1971- (herausgegeben von, übersetzt von)
Ausgabe1st ed.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Toronto, [Ontario] ; Buffalo, [New York] ; London, [England] : University of Toronto Press , 2012
Umfang1 online resource (870 p.)
Issued also in print.
ZusatzinfoIntroduction -- Translations.
Zusatzinfo""Cover""; ""Contents""; ""Preface and Acknowledgments""; ""Part I: Introduction""; ""1 A Strange History (Bobbio I)""; ""2 Idealism and Sensism (Rosmini I)""; ""3 Philosophies Imported and Contested (Galluppi I)""; ""4 Experience and Ideology (Galluppi II)""; ""5 Restoration and Reaction (Rosmini II)""; ""6 The Mother Idea (Rosmini III)""; ""7 Primacy (Gioberti I)""; ""8 The Ideal Formula (Gioberti II)""; ""9 A Natural Method (Mamiani)""; ""10 Revolution and Recirculation (Spaventa)""; ""11 Facts and Laws (Villari)""; ""12 Real and Ideal (De Sanctis)""
""13 Resurgence (Fiorentino and Florenzi Waddington)""""14 Matter and Idea (Labriola)""; ""15 No Speculative Movement (Barzellotti)""; ""16 A Revelation (Croce I)""; ""17 History Under Art (Croce II)""; ""18 What Is Distinct? (Croce III)""; ""19 What Is Living? (Croce IV)""; ""20 What Is Dead? (Croce V)""; ""21 Materialism (Gentile I)""; ""22 Idealism (Gentile II)""; ""23 Actualism (Gentile III)""; ""24 Manifestos (Croce and Gentile)""; ""25 Common Sense and Good Sense (Gramsci I)""; ""26 The Religion of Liberty (Croce VI)""; ""27 Philosophy in Prison (Gramsci II)""
""28 Still a Strange History (Bobbio II)""""Notes to Part I""; ""Part II: Translations""; ""1 Galluppi, Elements""; ""2 Rosmini, A Sketch""; ""3 Gioberti, Primacy""; ""4 Gioberti, The Ideal Formula""; ""5 Mamiani, Renewal""; ""6 Spaventa, Italian Philosophy""; ""7 Villari, Positive Philosophy""; ""8 De Sanctis, Realism""; ""9 De Sanctis, The Ideal""; ""10 Florenzi Waddington, Pantheism I""; ""11 Florenzi Waddington, Pantheism II""; ""12 Fiorentino, Vico and Kant""; ""13 Fiorentino, Positivism""; ""14 Labriola, Materialism""; ""15 Croce, The Concept of Art""; ""16 Croce, Logic""
""17 Croce, The Philosophy of Hegel""""18 Gentile, Praxis""; ""19 Gentile, Idealism""; ""20 Gentile, The Act of Thinking""; ""21 Gentile, Actual Idealism""; ""22 Manifesto I""; ""23 Manifesto II""; ""24 Gramsci, Introduction to Philosophy""; ""25 Croce, Liberty""; ""26 Gramsci, Letters""; ""References""; ""Name Index""; ""A""; ""B""; ""C""; ""D""; ""E""; ""F""; ""G""; ""H""; ""I""; ""J""; ""K""; ""L""; ""M""; ""N""; ""O""; ""P""; ""Q""; ""R""; ""S""; ""T""; ""U""; ""V""; ""W""; ""X""; ""Y""; ""Z""; ""General Index""; ""A""; ""B""; ""C""; ""D""; ""E""; ""F""; ""G""; ""H""; ""I""; ""J""; ""K""
""L""""m""; ""n""; ""o""; ""p""; ""q""; ""r""; ""s""; ""t""; ""u""; ""v""
Serie/ReiheLorenzo da Ponte Italian library series.
Online-ZugangEBSCO EBS 2024

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