The society of terror : inside the Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps / Paul Martin Neurath ; edited by Christian Fleck and Nico Stehr ; with an afterword by Christian Fleck, Albert Muller, and Nico Stehr.

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person Neurath, Paul Martin, 1911- (verfasst von)
Beteiligte Person(en) Fleck, Christian, 1954-, Stehr, Nico
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge , 2016
Umfang1 online resource (243 p.)
ZusatzinfoFirst published 2005 by Paradigm Publishers.
ZusatzinfoCover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Dedication; Prelude; Part One: The Scene; 1 From Civil War to Organized Terror; 2 First Impressions; 3 The Layout; 4 A Day in a Concentration Camp; 5 The Daily Routine; The Work,; Clothing and Personal Belongings,; Mail,; Bath and Barber,; Food,; Money,; Sickness and Death,; 6 The Prisoners; Political Prisoners: Red Badge,; Professional Criminals: Green Badge,; Cri-Po Prisoners: Brown Badge,; Work-Shy and Asocial: Black Badge,; Jehovah's Witnesses: Violet Badge,; Homosexuals: Pink Badge,; Emigrants: Blue Badge,
Race Polluters: Black Outline,Second-Termers: Colored Bar,; Idiots: White Armband,; Jews: Yellow Badge Combined with Another Color,; 7 The Guards; The Common Guards,; The Staff,; The Commanders,; 8 Crime and Punishment; Punishment,; Crime,; 9 Differences; Guard System and Organization of Work,; Order and Hygiene,; Size of the Camp,; Prisoners,; 10 Kaleidoscope; Buchenwald, Winter 1938,; Buchenwald, January 4, 1939,; Dachau, Summer 1938,; Buchenwald, Spring 1939,; Buchenwald,; Buchenwald, April 20, 1939,; Dachau, April 1938,; Dachau, May 1938,; Dachau, June 1938,; Buchenwald, November 1938,
Buchenwald, January 2, 1939,Buchenwald, December 1938,; Buchenwald, December 21, 1938,; Part Two: The Society; 11 The Task; 12 Power; 13 Cooperation; 14 The Moor Express; 15 Justice; 16 Property Rights; 17 Corruption; 18 Conflict; Political versus Nonpolitical Prisoners,; Anti-Semitism,; The "Austrian Invasion,"; Political Prisoners versus Professional Criminals,; 19 Why Don't They Hit Back; Individual Prisoners Enter the Camp,; Large Groups Enter the Camp,; Why They Don't Hit Back,; Addendum: Statement on the Validity of the Observations That Form the Basis of the Dissertation; Afterword
BibliographyAbout the Author and Editors
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