The reformation of faith in the context of late medieval theology and piety : essays by Berndt Hamm / [edited] by Robert J. Bast.

This work comprises the first major collection of articles in English translation by University of Erlangen Professor Dr. Berndt Hamm, one of the most important scholars of the intellectual history of late-medieval and Reformation Germany.

Gespeichert in:
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person Hamm, Berndt
Beteiligte Person(en) Bast, Robert James
Ausgabe1st ed.
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2004
Umfang1 online resource (325 p.)
ISSN0081-8607 ;
ZusatzinfoDescription based upon print version of record.
ZusatzinfoContents; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Editor's Foreword; Chapter One: Normative Centering in the 15th and 16th Centuries: Observations on Religiosity, Theology, and Iconology; Chapter Two: Between Severity and Mercy. Three Models of Pre-Reformation Urban Reform Preaching: Savonarola - Staupitz - Geiler; Chapter Three: Volition and Inadequacy as a Topic in Late Medieval Pastoral Care of Penitents; Chapter Four: From the Medieval "Love of God" to the "Faith" of Luther - A Contribution to the History of Penitence
Chapter Five: Why did "Faith" become for Luther the Central Concept of the Christian Life?Chapter Six: What was the Reformation Doctrine of Justification?; Chapter Seven: Reformation "from below" and Reformation "from above". On the Problem of the Historical Classifications of the Reformation; Chapter Eight: How Innovative was the Reformation?; Chapter Nine: The Place of the Reformation in the Second Christian Millennium; Index of Persons and Places; Index of Subjects
Serie/ReiheStudies in the history of Christian thought ; ; v. 110.
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