Natural capital and exploitation of the deep ocean / / edited by Maria Baker, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Paul Tyler.
The deep ocean is the planet's largest biome and holds a wealth of potential natural assets. This title gives a comprehensive account of its geological and physical processes, ecology and biology, exploitation, management, and conservation.
Gespeichert in:
Beteiligte Person(en) | , , |
Ausgabe | First edition. |
Ort, Verlag, Jahr |
New York, United States
: Oxford University Press
, 2020
Umfang | 1 online resource : : illustrations (black and white, and colour). |
ISBN | 0-19-187711-5 0-19-257877-4 |
Sprache | Englisch |
Zusatzinfo | This edition also issued in print: 2020. |
Zusatzinfo | Introduction : Evolution of knowledge, exploration, and exploitation of the deep ocean /, Maria Baker, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, and Paul Tyler --, A primer on the economics of natural capital and its relevance to deep-sea exploitation and conservation /, Porter Hoagland, Di Jin, and Stace Beaulieu --, The legal framework for resource management in the deep sea /, Aline Jaeckel, Kristina Gjerde, and Duncan Currie --, Exploitation of deep-sea fishery resources /, Les Watling, Lissette Victorero, Jeffrey C. Drazen, and Matthew Gianni --, Deep-sea mining : processes and impacts /, Daniel O. B. Jones, Diva J. Amon, and Abbie S. A. Chapman --, The natural capital of offshore oil, gas, and methane hydrates in the World Ocean /, Angelo F. Bernardino, Erik E. Cordes, and Thomas A. Schlacher --, The exploitation of deep-sea biodiversity : components, capacity, and conservation /, Harriet Harden-Davies --, The deep ocean's link to culture and global processes : nonextractive value of the deep sea /, Andrew R. Thurber and Amanda N. Netburn --, Climate change cumulative impacts on deep-sea ecosystems /, Nadine Le Bris and Lisa A. Levin --, Space, the final resource /, S. Kim Juniper, Kate Thornborough, Paul Tyler, and Ylenia Randrianarisoa --, A holistic vision for our future deep ocean /, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Maria Baker, and Paul Tyler. |
Zielgruppe | Specialized. |
Serie/Reihe | Oxford scholarship online. |
Online-Zugang | Oxford Scholarship Online EBS 2024 |
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