Pharisees and the Teacher of Nazareth.
Gespeichert in:
Person | |
Ausgabe | 1st ed. |
Ort, Verlag, Jahr |
: Brill
, 1964
Umfang | 1 online resource. |
ISBN | 90-04-33255-3 |
Sprache | Englisch |
Zusatzinfo | Institutum Iudaicum, Tübingen. |
Zusatzinfo | Preliminary Material /, Asher Finkel -- , Problem and Purpose /, Asher Finkel -- , Evaluation of the Sources /, Asher Finkel -- , The Great Synagogue /, Asher Finkel -- , The Scribe /, Asher Finkel -- , The Era of Collecting and Preserving the Holy Scriptures /, Asher Finkel -- , The Oral Tradition /, Asher Finkel -- , The Judaic Orders /, Asher Finkel -- , The Laws of Separation and Purity /, Asher Finkel -- , On Judicature /, Asher Finkel -- , The Festivals /, Asher Finkel -- , Education /, Asher Finkel -- , Exposition /, Asher Finkel -- , The Written Tradition as a Guide for the Works of the Hasmonaean-Herodian Periods /, Asher Finkel -- , The Oral Tradition as Expounded During the Hasmonaean and Herodian Periods /, Asher Finkel -- , The Jewishness of Jesus /, Asher Finkel -- , The Opposition to the Pharisees /, Asher Finkel -- , The Jewish Practices at the Time of Jesus /, Asher Finkel -- , The Proem Homilies Attributed to Jesus /, Asher Finkel -- , The Yelammedenu-Homily as Preserved in the Synoptic Gospels /, Asher Finkel -- , Some of Jesus' Teachings Based on Hermeneutics /, Asher Finkel -- , Bibliography /, Asher Finkel. |
Serie/Reihe | Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums ; 4. |
Online-Zugang | Brill All EBS 2024 |
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