Surveys in combinatorics 1985 : invited papers for the tenth British Combinatorial Conference / edited by Ian Anderson.
The British Combinatorial Conference is an established biennial international gathering. This volume contains the invited papers presented, by several distinguished mathematicians, at the 1985 conference. The papers cover a broad range of combinatorial topics, including cryptography, greedy algorithms, graph minors, flows through random networks, (0, 1)-distance problems, irregularities of point distributions and reconstruction of infinite graphs.
Gespeichert in:
Körperschaften | , |
Beteiligte Person(en) | |
Institution | London Mathematical Society. |
Ort, Verlag, Jahr |
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York
: Cambridge University Press
, 1985
Umfang | 1 online resource (173 pages) : : digital, PDF file(s). |
ISBN | 1-139-88618-5 1-107-10245-6 1-107-09396-1 1-107-09994-3 1-107-09083-0 1-107-08772-4 1-107-32567-6 |
Sprache | Englisch |
Zusatzinfo | "This volume contains eight of the nine invited lectures given at the tenth British Combinatorial Conference held in the University of Glasgow, 22-26 July, 1985" -- Pref. Re-issued 2010. |
Zusatzinfo | English |
Serie/Reihe | London Mathematical Society lecture note series ; ; 103. |
Online-Zugang | EBSCO EBS 2024 Cambridge ebooks EBS 2024 |
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