The Journal of general psychology.

Gespeichert in:
Elektronisch Zeitschrift
Bibliographische Detailangaben
Beteiligte Person(en) Titchener, Edward Bradford, 1867-1927, Murchison, Carl, 1887-1961
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Provincetown, Mass. : Journal Press
Philadelphia, PA : Taylor & Francis
UmfangAlso issued in print.
"Experimental, theoretical, clinical and historical psychology."
Editors: 1928- Carl Murchison and others.
Founded by E.B. Titchener and Carl Murchison.
ZusatzinfoBeginning with v. 1, no. 3/4, each article is followed by résumés in French, German, and Russian.
Online-ZugangEZB-NALI4-00464 PAO NL (Available from 1928 volume: 1 until 1995 volume: 122.)
EBSCOhost MEDLINE Complete (Available from 01/01/1975. Most recent 1 year(s) not available.)

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