Deep sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oceanography.

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
ParalleltitelTopical studies in oceanography
Körperschaften International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, North Pacific Marine Science Organization, Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (Program)
InstitutionInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
North Pacific Marine Science Organization.
Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (Program)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Oxford : Elsevier Science
ZusatzinfoSome issues combined.
Früherer TitelDeep-sea research. Part A, Oceanographic research papers
Online-ZugangEZB-NALI5-00465 Elsevier Archive NL (Available from 1993 volume: 40 until 2002 volume: 49.)
Elsevier Core Hybrid_Journals_DEAL (Available from 2023.)
Elsevier Freedom Collection_Journals_DEAL (Available from 1995 volume: 42 until 2022 volume: 206.)

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