Fachserie 4. Vierteljahr u. Rechnungsjahr 1983 (1984)

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author Deutschland Statistisches Bundesamt (Author)
Place, Publisher, Year Stuttgart : Metzler-Poeschel , 1977
Stuttgart Mainz : Kohlhammer
VolumeVolume 1983,4; See main title for additional information
Persistent URLhttps://katalogplus.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/title/HT007567237
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Dept. Lib. 13/03: Business and Economics, Statistical Materials, Journals, UHG V1

Location Dept. Lib. 13/03: Business and Economics, Statistical Materials, Journals, UHG V1
Call Number IP300 D4S7[2140200,1983/84 (More on this topic)
Barcode 130/3190971+01
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