Social policy and social dimensions on vulnerability and resilience in Europe / Birgit Bütow ... (eds.)
Too weak or needy? Social Work in Europe There are two tendencies in present public discussions. Social problems are seen to have their causes in the individual, and are thus not a problem of socio-economic inequality. Consequently, in Europe we find an increasing policy of self-activation and self-help as substitutes of social work. On the other hand, new types of social vulnerability and of challenges for social work and social policy are detected which are discussed in the book in their European dimensions.
Gespeichert in:
Beteiligte Person(en) | |
Ort, Verlag, Jahr |
Opladen [u.a.]
: Budrich
, 2015
Umfang | 167 S. : graph. Darst. |
ISBN | 9783866493636 3866493630 |
Sprache | Englisch |
Schlagwörter | Europa / Sozialpolitik / Sozialarbeit / Verwundbarkeit / Resilienz / Selbsthilfe |
Zusatzinfo | Literatur- und URL-Angaben |
Online-Zugang | Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltstext Inhaltsverzeichnis |
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Erziehungswissenschaft (16), Fachbibliothek UHG-II, T1
Standort | Erziehungswissenschaft (16), Fachbibliothek UHG-II, T1 |
Signatur | LK100 S6P7S (Mehr zum Thema) |
Mediennummer | 168/4453868+01 |
Leihfrist | 30 Tage |
Status | Verfügbar |
Vorgemerkt? | Nein |