Planning / Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. Building Societies Association

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Körperschaften University of Exeter Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, Building Societies Association
InstitutionUniversity of Exeter
Building Societies Association
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Exeter : Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching , 1992
Umfang9 Bl : teacher's notes (7 S.)
Serie/ReiheBusiness and commerce ; P
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Mathematik (10), Fachbibliothek UHG-II, V1

Standort Mathematik (10), Fachbibliothek UHG-II, V1
Signatur QC050 C3I5M[BC,P (Mehr zum Thema)
Mediennummer 100/1706487+01
Leihfrist präsent
Status Verfügbar
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