History and Its Limits : Human, Animal, Violence / Dominick LaCapra

Dominick LaCapra's History and Its Limits articulates the relations among intellectual history, cultural history, and critical theory, examining the recent rise of "Practice Theory" and probing the limitations of prevalent forms of humanism. LaCapra focuses on the problem of understanding extreme cases, specifically events and experiences involving violence and victimization. He asks how historians treat and are simultaneously implicated in the traumatic processes they attempt to represent.-

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Person LaCapra, Dominick (verfasst von)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press , 2010
Umfang1 online resource
De Gruyter E-Books EBA bis 31.12.2026 (ZDB-23-DGG-eba)
Persistente URLhttps://katalogplus.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/title/HT020720184

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