A letter from a Chancellor : out of office, to a King in power. Containing, reflections on the aera of His present Majesty's accession to the throne of his ancestors. On the war with America; the Spanish and Russian armaments; and the present war with France; thoughts on church and state establishments, forming an enquiry into the immediate expediency of reform, political, religious, and moral; in the course of which are examined, the relative points about which trinitarians and unitarians chiefly differ, as well as Thomas Paine's assertions concerning Jesus Christ. Lastly, on the laws that were and the laws that are; interspersed with occasional retrospectives of associations, national bankruptcy, revolutions, and universal patriotism. The whole being A solemn appeal to the justice, benevolence, and political wisdom of our gracious King, George the Third

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
1. Verfasser:in Chancellor out of office (Verfasser:in)
Ort, Verlag, Jahr London : printed and sold by D. I. Eaton, No. 74, Newgate-Street, and may be had of all other Booksellers in Town and Country , 1795
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Gale - Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ZDB-1-ECC)
Persistente URLhttps://katalogplus.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/title/HT018042074

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