The toper's delight : or, a pipe of the best. Poetically delineated in imitation of Mr. Pope, Dean Swift, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Thompson, Dr. Young, and Colley Cibber. Extracted from the magazines, &c. To which is added a great variety of merry catches in praise of good-eating and much-drinking. Concluding With an humourous Description of a Modern Midnight-Revelry

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Ort, Verlag, Jahr London : printed for and sold by J. Stevens in Aldersgate-Street, G. Spavan, over-against St. Clement's Church in the Strand, R. Motte, at the Hole in the Wall at Islington, and at most publick-houses , 1744
Umfang12 ̊
ZusatzinfoDedicated "To the .. President, and the rest of the worthy gentlemen, who have lately form'd themselves into an Amicable Society, at the Hole in the Wall, at Islington, .. under the venerable title of the Shakesperian Club. - English Short Title Catalog, T124884. - Price from imprint: price Six-Pence. - Reproduction of original from British Library
Erscheinungsjahr in Vorlageform:[1744]
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Gale - Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ZDB-1-ECC)
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